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NSW Education Standards Authority
ACE Rules

Clarified ACE Rules came into effect on 14 October 2024. These rules apply to students commencing HSC courses from Term 4 2024, for students sitting for HSC exams in 2025, and for students receiving the RoSA from October 2024.

For students sitting for HSC exams in 2024, the previous ACE Online rules continue to apply.

To learn more about how NESA has clarified the ACE Rules, refer to the information sheets.

Demonstrating the HSC minimum standard

Last updated:
Updated 30 Jan 2024

NESA has updated Rule 8.1.3 to accurately reflect NESA’s processes for recording the results of post school leavers that become eligible for the HSC after demonstrating the HSC minimum standard.

View all changes

NESA is authorised under sections 20A(2) and 95(1)(f) of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) to grant the HSC to students who have complied with any requirements imposed by the Minister or Authority.

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, NESA must ensure that students with disability are able to access and respond to an exam or test.


HSC credential

Demonstrating the HSC minimum standard before leaving school

  1. Students must meet the HSC minimum standard prior to completing Year 12, to be eligible for the award of the HSC.
  2. To meet the HSC minimum standard, students must demonstrate Level 31 or above in the NESA minimum standard online reading, writing and numeracy tests.
  3. Students may demonstrate the HSC minimum standard at any time while they are enrolled in a school in Years 10 to 12, but before their enrolment ceases.2
  4. Students planning to leave school in Years 10 to 12 may choose to attempt the NESA minimum standard tests and use the test results to demonstrate their levels of reading, writing and numeracy to employers and/or further education and training providers. Students must attempt the tests whilst they are enrolled in a school.

Demonstrating the HSC minimum standard using alternative evidence

  1. In exceptional circumstances, as determined by NESA, a student may demonstrate the HSC minimum standard using alternative evidence if:
    1. the student is unable to demonstrate these skills in a minimum standard test, and
    2. the student has the required literacy and/or numeracy skills, and
    3. the student is enrolled in Year 12, and
    4. the student has met all other eligibility criteria for the HSC.
  2. Principals must:
    1. apply on behalf of students to NESA at that a student seeks to use alternative evidence to demonstrate the HSC minimum standard in one or more domains
    2. explain and attach evidence for each domain why the student is unable to demonstrate the HSC minimum standard by attempting the minimum standard tests, and
    3. include annotated evidence3 that the student has demonstrated the required literacy and numeracy skills aligned to ACSF Level 3 or above. NESA will not accept unannotated material.

Recording on the HSC credential

  1. NESA will record all approved exceptional circumstances on a student’s HSC credential as a footnote unless the student demonstrates Level 3 or above in the equivalent minimum standard test.

Online resources

For further information

For Minimum Standard enquiries including HSC minimum standard illness/misadventure, email or phone 1800 200 955.


  1. The HSC minimum standard is set at the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 3. ACSF Level 3 describes the functional literacy and numeracy skills required for life after school, for work and further education.

  2. For example, students who undertake a ‘pathways’ HSC may attempt NESA’s minimum standard tests at any time during the five-year accumulation period.

  3. If a student has relocated to NSW, a jurisdictional equivalent assessment may be considered. This may include Western Australia’s Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA).


HSC credentialLife Skills

Life Skills exemption

  1. Students undertaking Stage 6 Life Skills courses are eligible for an exemption from the HSC minimum standard under the following conditions:
    1. students studying Year 12 English Life Skills are exempt from demonstrating the literacy standard, and
    2. students studying Year 12 Mathematics Life Skills are exempt from demonstrating the numeracy standard, and
    3. students studying 4 or more Life Skills courses and not a Stage 6 Mathematics course are exempt from demonstrating the numeracy standard.
  2. To be exempt, students must undertake Life Skills courses to the completion of Year 12.
  3. Students who are eligible for an exemption may choose to attempt the minimum standard tests.

Recording a Life Skills exemption on a NESA credential

  1. NESA will record all Life Skills exemptions on a student’s HSC credential as a footnote, unless the student demonstrates Level 3 or above in the equivalent minimum standard test.

Online resources

For further information

For Minimum Standard enquiries including HSC minimum standard illness/misadventure, email or phone 1800 200 955.


HSC credential

Post-school leavers

  1. Post-school leavers who did not meet the HSC minimum standard while at school may apply to NESA within the five-year accumulation period, to attempt one or more minimum standard tests, to demonstrate the HSC minimum standard.
  2. Post-school leavers must have fulfilled all other eligibility requirements for the award of the HSC.

Recording results on a NESA credential

  1. For post-school leavers who subsequently become eligible for the HSC by demonstrating the HSC minimum standard, NESA will:
    1. record their results on an HSC Record of Achievement
    2. issue an HSC Record of Achievement, and
    3. issue an HSC testamur.

Online resources

For further information

For Minimum Standard enquiries including HSC minimum standard illness/misadventure, email or phone 1800 200 955.