Non-completion and appeals
Updated 03 Jul 2024
NESA has not changed its requirements for course completion, non-completion and appeals.
All current ACE Online rules concerning course completion, non-completion and appeals have been transferred to the NSW Curriculum website without change to content. Schools should continue to follow their existing processes for course completion, non-completion and appeals until NESA publishes clarified requirements.
Sections 11 and 94 of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) set out the curriculum requirements and eligibility requirements for the award of the RoSA.
Sections 12, 95 and 95A of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) set out the curriculum requirements and eligibility requirements for the award of the HSC.
4.2.1 Non-completion determinations and appeals – Stage 5 and Preliminary courses
‘N’ determinations – principal’s determination of non-completion of course requirements
- This is the decision made by the principal at the end of the course, under delegated authority from NESA, that a student has not satisfactorily completed a course.
- Students who have not complied with the course completion criteria and who have received at least two written warnings can be regarded as not having satisfactorily completed the course at the time of finalising grades. The principal may then apply the ‘N’ determination.
- For Stage 5 and Stage 6 Preliminary courses, the school must also submit a grade that reflects the student’s actual achievement in the course so that, if the student appeals successfully to NESA, the grade can be reinstated.
- Where the ‘N’ determination is applied in a Stage 5 mandatory curriculum requirement and/or a mandatory course, it will be reported on the Transcript of Study and the Student eRecord as ‘Not Completed’.
- The following courses will not be listed on a student’s Record of School Achievement or Transcript of Study if an ‘N’ determination has been made:
- additional studies (electives) in Stage 5
- Stage 6 courses.
Principal’s delegation – authority to determine satisfactory completion of a course for the Record of School Achievement
- NESA has delegated to principals the authority to determine whether candidates for the award of the Record of School Achievement have satisfactorily completed the mandatory curriculum requirements for the award of the Record of School Achievement.
‘N’ determinations – warnings of non-completion of course requirements
- If at any time it appears that a student is at risk of receiving an ‘N’ determination (non-completion of course requirements) in any course, the principal must:
- advise the student of the tasks or actions to be undertaken in time for the problem to be corrected and alert the student to the possible consequences of an ‘N’ determination;
- advise the parent or guardian in writing (if the student is under the age of 18);
- request from the student/parent/guardian a written acknowledgement of the warning;
- issue at least one follow-up warning letter if the first letter is not effective; and
- retain copies of all relevant documents.
- It is strongly recommended that written warnings are issued as soon as possible and regularly where required.
- Schools are able to download sample warning letters through Loading .
Non-completion of Preliminary course requirements
- In cases of non-completion of course requirements of a Preliminary course, a non-completion determination must be submitted via Loading . Courses that were not satisfactorily completed will not be printed on the Record of School Achievement or the HSC Record of Achievement.
- Principals may allow a student who has received a non-completion determination in a Preliminary course to proceed to the HSC course provisionally while concurrently satisfying any outstanding Preliminary course requirement.
Record of School Achievement and Higher School Certificate appeals against non-completion of course requirements (‘N’ determinations)
- A Principal’s Determination form should be completed and a copy given, together with the Student Appeal form, to any student issued with an ‘N’ determination in any course, or sent to the student’s home address. Principals must also advise the student’s parents or guardians (if the student is under 18 years of age) in writing of their right to appeal against the principal’s determination.
- If a student does not wish to appeal to NESA, the completed Principal’s Determination form should be retained at the school.
School procedures if student appeal is successful at school level
- If a student appeals to the school and the student’s appeal is successful at the school level, both the Principal’s Determination form and the Student Appeal form should be retained at the school. NESA must be advised so that the ‘N’ determination can be removed and the grade/assessment mark reinstated.
School procedures if student appeal is unsuccessful at school level
- If the student’s appeal is unsuccessful at the school level, all documentation should be retained at the school unless the student wishes to appeal to NESA.
- NESA will review appeals only on the information submitted with the Principal’s Determination form, the Student Appeal form and the School Review – Principal’s Report form. Copies of all the warning letters that were sent and any other relevant information must be included.
- The appropriate forms relating to ‘N’ determinations must be submitted to NESA by the dates specified by NESA.
Record of School Achievement and Higher School Achievement appeals against ‘N’ determinations – guidelines for school review
- Principals may determine that a panel should consider appeals by students against the principal’s ‘N’ determination. This decision is entirely at the discretion of the principal.
- When completing the School Review – Principal’s Report form, the following details should be included, if applicable:
- the student’s level of involvement in classwork
- the proportion of the course that was deemed unsatisfactory in warning letters (eg incomplete task was worth 30%)
- the proportion of assignments, homework, etc, completed in each course
- measures taken to improve the student’s involvement and whether the student’s application improved after warnings or counselling
- the existence of any personal or family problems that have affected the student’s studies
- evidence of warning(s).
‘N’ determinations – eligibility for Record of School Achievement
- A student who is given an ‘N’ determination in a Stage 5 mandatory course will not be eligible for a Record of School Achievement. Transcripts of Study will list the mandatory course(s) in which an ‘N’ determination has been awarded in Stage 5. The document will carry the statement 'Not Eligible for the Record of School Achievement'.
- A student who is given an ‘N’ determination in an additional course in Stage 5 and/or in a Stage 6 Preliminary course retains eligibility for the Record of School Achievement provided that all other requirements are met.
Online resources
Related ACE Rules
For further information
For enquiries about non-completion determinations and appeals, please contact Student Support on (02) 9367 8117 or by email at
For further information, please contact your region’s NESA Liaison Officer on (02) 9367 8387 or by email
4.2.2 Non-completion determinations and appeals – HSC courses
Satisfactory completion of an HSC course: non-completion (‘N’) determinations
- NESA has delegated to principals the authority to determine if students seeking the award of the Higher School Certificate at their school have satisfactorily completed each Board Developed and/or Board Endorsed Course in which they are enrolled in accordance with the requirements issued by NESA.
- Principals therefore will determine if there is sufficient evidence that each student has applied himself or herself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school.
- For post-compulsory students, principals may determine an appropriate attendance pattern(s) that will allow each student to achieve the outcomes of each course being studied.
- While NESA does not stipulate attendance requirements, principals may determine that, as a result of absence, the course completion criteria may not be met. Clearly, absences will be regarded seriously by principals who must give students early warning of the consequences of such absences. Warning letters must relate the student’s absence to the non-completion of course requirements.
- 'N' determinations may not be made for reasons related to school management or codes of conduct, such as non-payment of fees, participation in prohibited activities, non-wearing of school uniform or misuse of school equipment.
Satisfactory completion of an HSC course: warnings of non-completion
- If at any time it appears that a student is at risk of being given an ‘N’ (non-completion of course requirements) determination in any course, including VET courses, the principal must warn the student as soon as possible and advise the parent or guardian (if the student is under 18 years of age) in writing.
- This warning should be given in time for the problem to be corrected and should provide advice about the possible consequences on Higher School Certificate eligibility of an ‘N’ determination in a course.
- The principal must:
- advise the student in writing of the tasks or actions to be undertaken in time for the problem to be corrected;
- advise the parent or guardian in writing (if the student is under 18 years of age);
- request from the student or parent/guardian a written acknowledgement of the warning;
- issue at least one follow-up warning letter if the issue has not been corrected; and
- retain copies of the warning notice(s) and other relevant documentation.
- It is strongly recommended that where necessary written warnings are issued regularly. Sample warning letters are available via Loading .
- Students who have not complied with the requirements for satisfactory completion of a course at the time of finalising assessments cannot be regarded as having satisfactorily completed the course. The principal will then issue a non-completion determination and advise NESA via Loading .
Satisfactory completion of an HSC course: non-completion determinations
- When a principal issues a non-completion (‘N’) determination in a course, this must be indicated via Loading . The school must also submit an assessment mark via Schools Online – this mark will be reported if the student appeals successfully to the school or to NESA.
- Assessment marks do not need to be submitted for competency-based courses.
- Where mandatory work placement hours are not completed in a Loading , or where required in a Loading , an ‘N’ determination should be issued.
- It should be noted that if a student fails to undertake any mandatory work placement component it may be determined that the student has not made a genuine attempt to complete course requirements. In this case the principal can indicate that the course has not been satisfactorily completed and the student may be issued with an ‘N’ determination.
- It is possible for the principal to certify, at a later time, that the student has subsequently completed the mandatory requirements and request that the ‘N’ determination be withdrawn.
Non-completion of HSC school-based assessment: principals must warn students
- If it appears that a student is at risk of not meeting the school-based assessment requirements in a course, a warning must be given.
- The principal must:
- advise the student in writing, in time for the problem to be corrected, specifying details of action required by the student and alerting the student to the possible consequences of a non-completion ('N') determination
- advise the parent or guardian in writing if the student is under 18
- request from the student and/or parent/guardian a written acknowledgement of the warning
- issue at least one follow-up warning letter (if the student is still at risk of not meeting requirements)
- retain a copy of the warning notice and other relevant documentation.
Non-completion of HSC school-based assessment: non-completion determinations
- If a student is to be given a non-completion (‘N’) determination because of failure to complete tasks which contribute in excess of 50 percent of the final assessment marks in that course, the principal must:
- submit the non-completion determination via Loading ,
- advise the student of the determination, its consequences and the student's right to a school review and subsequent appeal to the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) using the form supplied by NESA at Loading .
- The school must calculate an assessment mark incorporating the marks for those tasks submitted and a zero for each task not submitted. This information will be required if the student makes an appeal to NESA which is upheld.
Non-completion of HSC school-based assessment: review of non-completion determinations
- The procedures for a school review of an 'N' determination will follow those laid down for other school reviews of assessments as follows:
- A student seeking a review of an 'N' determination must apply to the principal by the date listed in the Loading .
- If the school upholds the appeal, the school advises the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) by the date stipulated in the Higher School Certificate Events Timetable.
- If the appeal is declined, the student may appeal to NESA. NESA's review will focus on whether the school review properly and correctly considered the matters before it.
- Appeals must reach NESA by the date stipulated in the Loading . NESA will advise students and principals of the outcome of any appeal as soon as possible after the Higher School Certificate examinations.
Record of School Achievement and Higher School Certificate appeals against non-completion of course requirements (‘N’ determinations)
- A Principal’s Determination form should be completed and a copy given, together with the Student Appeal form, to any student issued with an ‘N’ determination in any course, or sent to the student’s home address. Principals must also advise the student’s parents or guardians (if the student is under 18 years of age) in writing of their right to appeal against the principal’s determination.
- If a student does not wish to appeal to NESA, the completed Principal’s Determination form should be retained at the school.
School procedures if student appeal is successful at school level
- If a student appeals to the school and the student’s appeal is successful at the school level, both the Principal’s Determination form and the Student Appeal form should be retained at the school. NESA must be advised so that the ‘N’ determination can be removed and the grade/assessment mark reinstated.
School procedures if student appeal is unsuccessful at school level
- If the student’s appeal is unsuccessful at the school level, all documentation should be retained at the school unless the student wishes to appeal to NESA.
- NESA will review appeals only on the information submitted with the Principal’s Determination form, the Student Appeal form and the School Review – Principal’s Report form. Copies of all the warning letters that were sent and any other relevant information must be included.
- The appropriate forms relating to ‘N’ determinations must be submitted to NESA by the dates specified by NESA.
Record of School Achievement and Higher School Achievement appeals against ‘N’ determinations – guidelines for school review
- Principals may determine that a panel should consider appeals by students against the principal’s ‘N’ determination. This decision is entirely at the discretion of the principal.
- When completing the School Review – Principal’s Report form, the following details should be included, if applicable:
- the student’s level of involvement in classwork
- the proportion of the course that was deemed unsatisfactory in warning letters (eg incomplete task was worth 30%)
- the proportion of assignments, homework, etc, completed in each course
- measures taken to improve the student’s involvement and whether the student’s application improved after warnings or counselling
- the existence of any personal or family problems that have affected the student’s studies
- evidence of warning(s).
Credentialling Higher School Certificate courses: non-completion (‘N’) determinations and withholding of courses by NESA
- NESA may withhold a course if a student is found to have engaged in malpractice, a non-serious attempt or a non-attempt at the examination(s).
- Where a student receives a non-completion ('N') determination in a course, that course will not appear on the student’s Record of Achievement. In some cases this will mean that the student will not meet the pattern of study requirements and hence will be ineligible for the award of the Higher School Certificate in that year.
Consequences of a non-completion (‘N’) determination or withholding of a course
- An ‘N’ determination or NESA decision to withhold a course will have the following consequences:
- the course will not contribute in that year to the required pattern of study
- in a course in which a student is also studying a related Extension course, neither that course nor the related Extension course will contribute in that year to the required pattern of study. However, withholding of an Extension course or a non-completion in an Extension course has no effect on the related 2-unit course.
- If the 'N' determination or NESA’s withholding of the course results in a student not satisfactorily completing the required pattern of study, the student may complete the pattern by either repeating that course or by undertaking one or more other courses within the five-year accumulation period.
- If a student is found to have engaged in malpractice in examinations for more than one course in any single year, then all courses attempted in that year may be withheld by NESA. Students may, however, meet the requirements for the award of the Higher School Certificate within the five-year accumulation period.
- NESA will not withhold the Higher School Certificate or Record of Achievement for reasons related to school management or codes of conduct, such as non-payment of fees, participation in prohibited activities, non-wearing of school uniform or misuse of school equipment.
Online resources
Related ACE Rules
- Achieving the HSC
- Satisfactory completion of a Preliminary or Higher School Certificate course: course completion criteria
- VET course completion
- Eligibility for the HSC
- Submitting HSC school-based assessment marks to NESA
- Mandatory work placement
- Malpractice
- Non-serious attempts
- NESA's pattern of study
- Repeating courses
- Accumulating courses
- Course completion
For further information
For enquiries about non-completion determinations and appeals, please contact Student Support on (02) 9367 8117 or by email at
For further information, please contact your region’s NESA Liaison Officer on (02) 9367 8387 or by email