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NSW Education Standards Authority

Course entries, changes and exclusions

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NESA is authorised under sections 20A(2), 94 and 95 of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) to exercise functions in connection with the RoSA and the HSC, including:

  • entering students into courses of study
  • making decisions in relation to student eligibility to undertake courses of study approved by the Minister.


K–10RoSALife SkillsSchools Online

Entering students into mandatory Years 7–10 curriculum requirements

  1. Students are automatically entered in the mandatory Years 7–10 curriculum requirements for English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Languages, Music, Visual Arts, Technology and PDHPE.
  2. The mandatory Years 7–10 curriculum requirements are not the same as Stage 5 course entries.

Entering students into Stage 5 courses

  1. Schools must enter students for Year 10 in LoadingΒ  by the due date published by NESA in the LoadingΒ .
  2. Schools must:
    1. enter students who are accelerating in, or accumulating, Stage 5 courses each year in the courses they are undertaking, and
    2. enter students who are enrolled in a full Year 10 program into Stage 5 courses by the due date published by NESA in the LoadingΒ .
  3. Students are automatically entered in the mandatory 200-hour Stage 5 courses in English, Mathematics and Science, and the mandatory 100-hour courses in Geography and History.
  4. Schools must enter students into the correct mandatory PDHPE course in Stage 5, depending on the timetabled hours for PDHPE in Years 9 and 10.

Entering students in the mandatory PDHPE course in Stage 5

  1. Schools must enter students into the correct mandatory PDHPE course. Depending on the school’s arrangements for delivering the mandatory PDHPE course in Years 7–10, schools must:
    1. enter students who undertake 200 hours of PDHPE throughout Years 9 and 10 into the 200‑hour PDHPE course, or
    2. enter students who study 100 hours or more (but less than 200 hours) of PDHPE during Years 9 and 10 into the 100‑hour course, or
    3. not enter students who study less than 100 hours of PDHPE during Years 9 and 10 into any mandatory PDHPE course.

Entering students in Stage 5 elective courses

  1. Schools delivering Stage 5 elective courses must enter students into 100-hour and 200-hour courses when entering students into Year 10 in LoadingΒ .
  2. If a student commences studying a 200-hour course in Year 9, completes 100 hours of the course by the end of Year 9, but cannot complete 200 hours by the end of Year 10, schools must:
    1. withdraw the student from the 200-hour course, and
    2. enter the student in the correct 100-hour course to recognise the study that the student has completed1.

Confirming Stage 5 course entries

  1. Schools must:
    1. provide a Confirmation of Entry to every student entered as soon as course entries are completed
    2. ensure students review the Confirmation of Entry
    3. ensure a signature is recorded on the Confirmation of Entry, which may be either:
      1. physically (a handwritten mark of approval) on a hard copy; or
      2. digitally, through NESA online portals2
    4. retain digital or hard copies of the Confirmation of Entry for 24 months, and
    5. provide a digital copy of a student’s physically signed Confirmation of Entry to NESA upon request.
  2. Students must review and sign their Confirmation of Entry physically or digitally.
  3. For students with disability that prevents them from signing, schools must β€˜record’3 the student’s acknowledgment of the Confirmation of Entry.

Amending Stage 5 course entries

  1. Schools must:
    1. make amendments to student entries in LoadingΒ , as required
    2. provide a new Confirmation of Entry for an amended student entry, and
    3. ensure student reviews and signature is recorded as per the processes in Confirming Stage 5 course entries.
  2. Students must sign their amended Confirmation of Entry physically or digitally.
  3. For students with disability that prevents them from signing, schools must β€˜record’4 the student’s acknowledgment of the Confirmation of Entry.

Online resources

For further information

Please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at


  1. For example, a student studying a 200-hour elective course may transfer schools partway through Year 10 to a school where they cannot continue studying the elective course.

  2. Proposed to be available in Schools Online from 2024.

  3. Students with disability may have a parent/carer sign on their behalf.

  4. Students with disability may have a parent/carer sign on their behalf.


HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)Life SkillsPreliminaryRoSASchools Online

Entry requirements for Preliminary and HSC courses

  1. Schools must:
    1. submit student entries to NESA in LoadingΒ  by the due date published in the LoadingΒ , and
    2. enter students for the courses they are studying, including courses studied outside the school.
  2. Principals must certify students’ completion of All My Own Work (or its equivalent) in Schools Online before submitting student entries for Preliminary and HSC courses.
  3. Students studying a full Stage 6 Life Skills pattern are not required to complete All My Own Work.

Entering provisionally-entered Preliminary students into HSC courses

  1. Principals must, at the time of HSC entry, be satisfied that a student who has provisionally entered Preliminary courses has satisfactorily completed the equivalent of Year 10.Β 
  2. Principals may base their judgement on the student’s satisfactory study of Preliminary courses.

Entering new students into HSC courses for the first time

  1. Principals have discretion to enter a student entering into a NSW school Β for the first time1 into HSC courses in that year if they are satisfied that the student:
    1. has achieved equivalent outcomes to those of the requisite Preliminary courses
    2. has the equivalent of a certificate awarded at the end of Year 10, or end of secondary schooling by another jurisdiction, or have satisfactorily completed study until Year 10, and
    3. is able to enter in sufficient time:
      1. to meet all the requirements of the HSC courses, and
      2. for the school to provide assessment mark(s).
  2. Schools must enter students into HSC courses no later than 30 June each year. Students arriving after 30 September of the HSC course year may not sit for the HSC exam in the same year. Schools cannot enter students into courses after the due date published in the Timetable of actions for secondary schools for the submission of assessment marks.

Online resources

For further information

Please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at


  1. A student entering a NSW school for the first time may include interstate, intrastate, or overseas students, as well as students from registered but unaccredited schools or former home-schooling students.


HSC (assessment)HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)Life SkillsPreliminaryRoSASchools OnlineVET

Preliminary courses

  1. A student who leaves a NSW school before the completion of Year 10 and returns after the start of the Preliminary course1 may enter the Preliminary course if their principal is satisfied that they have studied subjects broadly comparable to Stage 5 courses while outside the NSW system.
  2. A student returning after the start of the Preliminary course must provide to their principal:
    1. details of the content of courses studied while outside the NSW system, and
    2. certification that they satisfactorily studied the courses while absent from the NSW system.

HSC courses

  1. A student who leaves a NSW school after the start of a Preliminary course and returns before 30Β June in a subsequent year may be eligible to enter for the HSC that year if:
    1. the principal is satisfied that the student has achieved the Preliminary course outcomes while outside the NSW system, and
    2. the school can provide assessment data for all HSC courses entered in that year2.
  2. Students returning before 30 June must:
    1. provide results and/or documentation about courses or subjects studied while outside the NSW system to their principal
    2. take responsibility for adhering to HSC course requirements outlined in the relevant syllabus package
    3. comply with all HSC course requirements for every course entered, including submitting works as part of HSC external exam requirements for courses with submitted works, and
    4. if entering a VET course, meet all VET course requirements, including indicative hours.
  3. In determining whether a student has achieved the Preliminary course outcomes while outside the NSW school system, principals may:
    1. consider whether the student’s schooling experience outside NSW has been broadly comparable to that attainable through the NSW system, and
    2. request results obtained and documentation about courses or subjects studied by the student while outside the NSW system.3
  4. When considering whether an assessment mark can be provided, schools must determine the returning student’s ranking in a course by considering their available assessment task marks with the set of marks for other students in the same course4.

Students returning after 30 June or in atypical study patterns

  1. Please contact Manager, Liaison Unit on (02) 9367 8387 or by email at

For further information

Please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at


  1. For example, an exchange student.

  2. Assessment data includes HSC assessment marks; and/or grades; and/or optional exam estimated marks; and/or Life Skills outcomes. If the school cannot provide an assessment mark, the student is not eligible to enter for the HSC exam for that course in that year.

  3. For example, course or subject guidelines, school reports or work samples.

  4. In general, students should not have to do tasks they missed as a result of schooling experience outside the NSW education system.


HSC (assessment)HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)Life SkillsPreliminaryRoSASchools Online

Producing a Confirmation of Entry

  1. Schools must:
    1. provide a Confirmation of Entry to every student entered as soon as course entries are completed
    2. ensure students review the Confirmation of Entry
    3. ensure a signature is recorded on the Confirmation of Entry, which may be either:
      1. physically (a handwritten mark of approval) on a hard copy; or
      2. digitally, through NESA online portals1
    4. retain digital or hard copies of the Confirmation of Entry for 24 months, and
    5. provide a digital copy of a student’s physically signed Confirmation of Entry to NESA upon request.
  2. Students must review and sign their Confirmation of Entry physically or digitally.
  3. For students with disability that prevents them from signing, schools must β€˜record’2 the student’s acknowledgment of the Confirmation of Entry.

Amending student entries

  1. Schools must:
    1. make amendments to student entries in LoadingΒ , as required
    2. provide a new Confirmation of Entry for an amended student entry, and
    3. ensure student reviews and signature is recorded as per the process in Producing a Confirmation of Entry.
  2. Students must sign their amended Confirmation of Entry physically or digitally.
  3. For students with disability that prevents them from signing, schools must β€˜record’3 the student’s acknowledgment of the Confirmation of Entry.

Leaving or transferring students

  1. Schools must:
    1. withdraw students who leave the school in LoadingΒ  as soon as the student ceases participating at the school, and
    2. enter students who transfer in from another school in Schools Online as soon as the student commences participating at the school.

For further information

Please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at


  1. Proposed to be available in Schools Online from 2024.

  2. Students with disability may have a parent/carer sign on their behalf.

  3. Students with disability may have a parent/carer sign on their behalf.


HSC (assessment)HSC (curriculum)K–10PreliminarySchools Online

Changing Stage 5 elective courses

  1. Students may request a change of Stage 5 elective courses.
  2. Principals may approve changes of Stage 5 elective courses:
    1. that they consider are in a student’s best interest, and
    2. if there is sufficient time for students to demonstrate achievement of the outcomes and content of each new course.

Changing Preliminary courses

  1. Students may request a change of Preliminary courses.
  2. Principals have discretion to make decisions regarding students’ changes of Preliminary courses. In allowing a change of a Preliminary course, principals must be satisfied that the student can demonstrate achievement of the outcomes and content, and satisfactorily complete the new course in the time available.
  3. Principals may contact Manager, Liaison Unit for advice regarding students in atypical circumstances on (02) 9367 8387 or by email at

Changing HSC courses

  1. Students may request a change of HSC courses.
  2. Principals have discretion to make decisions regarding students’ changes of HSC courses. In allowing students to start a new HSC course during the HSC year, principals must:
    1. not enter students in HSC courses after 30 June in the HSC exam year; and
    2. be satisfied that the student:
      1. has satisfactorily demonstrated achievement of the Preliminary course outcomes and content (or equivalent) of the course they wish to enter, and
      2. will be able to complete all HSC course requirements, including assessment requirements, and
    3. advise students of any consequences arising from the change, including eligibility and pattern of study requirements.
  3. Principals may allow students to begin study of the HSC course while concurrently completing Preliminary course requirements.
  4. NESA will record the completed Preliminary course on a student’s RoSA or HSC Record of Achievement, regardless of whether the corresponding HSC course is completed.

Changing HSC courses for students transferring schools within NSW

  1. Students transferring from one NSW school to another may:
    1. continue studying an HSC course they were previously studying at their new school, or
    2. if the HSC course is not available at their new school, continue studying the HSC course with an external provider or an outside tutor.
  2. Principals may allow a student to change HSC courses before 30 June if the HSC course is not available for study:
    1. at the new school, or
    2. with an external provider or an outside tutor.

Withdrawing from HSC courses

  1. Students may withdraw from:
    1. an HSC course before:
      1. HSC practical or performance exams
      2. the HSC written exam, if the course does not have a practical or performance component
    2. an optional HSC exam, before the scheduled HSC exam, for the following courses:
      1. Stage 6 VET Industry Curriculum Frameworks (Frameworks)
      2. English Studies
      3. Mathematics Standard 1.
  2. Principals must advise students of any consequences arising from the change, including eligibility and pattern of study requirements.
  3. Schools must withdraw students from HSC courses or optional HSC exams:
    1. in LoadingΒ , if the withdrawal occurs before the due date for submission of HSC school assessment data to NESA, and
    2. by emailing NESA at, if the withdrawal occurs after the due date for submission of HSC school assessment data1 to NESA.

Withdrawing students entered for optional HSC exams

  1. Schools must withdraw students entered for an optional HSC exam who:
    1. do not sit the optional HSC exam, and
    2. do not have a pending illness/misadventure application.
  2. NESA will not report the withdrawn optional HSC exam on the RoSA or HSC.

Withdrawing students from Mathematics Extension 2

  1. Students withdrawing from Mathematics Extension 2 but continuing in Mathematics Extension 1 must enter for (or have already completed) the Mathematics Advanced course.
  2. Withdrawing from Mathematics Extension 2 and continuing in Mathematics Extension 1 is only permitted:
    1. if the school can provide a valid assessment mark for the Mathematics Advanced course, if the course has not been completed previously
      1. if there is no entry for Mathematics Advanced, schools must enter students into this course and provide a valid assessment mark; and
    2. up to the due date for submission of assessments.

Online resources

For further information

Please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at

For advice regarding students in atypical circumstances please contact Manager, Liaison Unit on (02) 9367 8387 or by email at


  1. Assessment data includes HSC assessment marks; and/or grades; and/or optional exam estimated marks; and/or Life Skills outcomes.


HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)Life SkillsPreliminaryVET

Course exclusions in HSC pattern of study

  1. NESA excludes students from entering into certain combinations of HSC courses. Exclusions for each HSC course are identified in the HSC course descriptions on the NESA website.
  2. Schools are responsible for ensuring students understand and adhere to the exclusions which apply to HSC courses. Students must comply with pattern of study requirements.
  3. For students studying both VET and general education courses, schools must check course exclusions, including options.

HSC Languages courses

  1. A student can only count one of the following CCAFL languages in their pattern of study: Croatian, Macedonian or Serbian.
  2. For exclusions for Languages courses, refer to the NESA website.

Content endorsed courses

  1. Schools are responsible for ensuring students understand and adhere to the exclusions which apply to Content Endorsed courses. These exclusions may be course exclusions, or content exclusions in particular courses.

Course exclusions – Life Skills

  1. Students entered for a course based on Life Skills outcomes and content from one or more syllabuses cannot be entered for any other course drawn from the same syllabus(es).

Online resources

For further information

For general curriculum enquiries, please email