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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority
ACE Rules

Clarified ACE Rules came into effect on 14 October 2024. These rules apply to students commencing HSC courses from Term 4 2024, for students sitting for HSC exams in 2025, and for students receiving the RoSA from October 2024.

For students sitting for HSC exams in 2024, the previous ACE Online rules continue to apply.

To learn more about how NESA has clarified the ACE Rules, refer to the information sheets.

Entering VET units of competency and outcomes in Schools Online

Last updated:

NESA is authorised under sections 20A(2), 94 and 95 of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) to exercise functions in connection with the Record of School Achievement and the Higher School Certificate, including:

  • entering students into courses of study
  • making decisions in relation to student eligibility to undertake courses of study approved by the Minister.


HSC (curriculum)K–10PreliminarySchools OnlineVET

Responsibilities of schools and delivering RTOs

  1. RTOs determine VET unit of competency outcomes for students. 
  2. Schools must liaise with the delivering RTO about entering units of competency and recording outcomes in Loading...
  3. Schools/delivering RTOs must:
    1. enter each competency that a student intends to study in a calendar year in Schools Online by the due date published in the Loading..., and
    2. submit unit of competency outcomes in Schools Online by the due date published in the Loading....
  4. A student’s home school retains responsibility for monitoring a student's progress towards satisfactory completion of the HSC pattern of study requirements for the Preliminary or HSC year.
  5. A student’s credit for a VET course is withheld if there is no evidence of training activity recorded in Schools Online. This includes where there is no RTO assigned, no enrolment in a qualification, no competency outcomes, or ‘Did not start’ outcome for all competencies.

For further information

For enquiries about entering VET units of competency and outcomes, please contact VET Records by email