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NSW Education Standards Authority
ACE Rules

Clarified ACE Rules came into effect on 14 October 2024. These rules apply to students commencing HSC courses from Term 4 2024, for students sitting for HSC exams in 2025, and for students receiving the RoSA from October 2024.

For students sitting for HSC exams in 2024, the previous ACE Online rules continue to apply.

To learn more about how NESA has clarified the ACE Rules, refer to the information sheets.

Credit transfer and RPL

Last updated:
Updated 12 Jun 2024

NESA has published its clarified requirements for credit transfer and recognition of prior learning (RPL) for students undertaking general education courses.

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Sections 12, 95 and 95A of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) set out the curriculum requirements and eligibility requirements for the award of the HSC.

About credit transfer and recognition of prior learning (RPL) for non-VET courses

  1. Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning (RPL) are 2 ways students can have their prior learning count towards the completion of Stage 6 courses. This includes formal, informal, or non-formal learning gained through past education and/or training programs undertaken in Australia or overseas, or through life and work experience.
  2. Students may apply for credit transfer or RPL:
    1. when entering the NSW education system for the first time
    2. when re-entering the NSW education system after a period of absence
    3. while undertaking Loading .
  3. Students can be eligible for both credit transfer and RPL, however, for any given course, either credit transfer or RPL can be granted, but not both.


HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)Preliminary

Formal learning criteria for credit transfer

  1. Credit transfer is for students’ seeking recognition for formal learning completed within the previous 5 years.
  2. For NESA to approve credit transfer of formal learning, the formal learning must:
    1. be a course completed with another recognised education provider; and
    2. contain specific learning outcomes, and a well-defined knowledge, skills and understanding component; and
    3. be comparable in depth of treatment with those courses which NESA develops and/or endorses; and
    4. equate to NESA’s indicative hours for the credit unit value sought.

Limitations on credit transfer

  1. NESA will:
    1. grant a minimum credit transfer of 2 units (120 indicative hours of study)
    2. grant a maximum credit transfer of 6 Preliminary units
    3. grant a maximum credit transfer of 4 HSC units
    4. allow a 5-year accumulation period of time between the completion of the course that a student is seeking credit for, and the year the first HSC course is completed.
  2. NESA will not:
    1. approve credit transfer for English, due to pattern of study requirements
    2. approve credit transfer for a course that has been credentialled as part of a student’s Stage 5 pattern of study, or as part of a credential at a similar level to Stage 5 in another school system interstate or overseas.

Applying for credit transfer for non-VET courses

  1. Credit transfer applications must be submitted to NESA by principals on behalf of students.
  2. Principals must:
    1. advise students about credit transfer provisions
    2. advise students about implications for pattern of study requirements and the ATAR
    3. complete the Application to NESA for credit transfer form, and send to, and
    4. retain certified copies of all supporting documentation for the units of credit sought for a minimum period of 24 months.
  3. Students seeking credit transfer must:
    1. take responsibility for knowing and adhering to the formal learning criteria; implications for pattern of study requirements; and implications for the ATAR
    2. provide certified copies of relevant documentation as supporting evidence of completion of formal learning to their principal – including course content, hours of study, result notices, and certificates.
  4. NESA will make a determination about credit transfer based on the principal’s recommendation.
  5. Where credit transfer is granted, principals must:
    1. produce a new Confirmation of Entry, and
    2. retain a student’s correct, signed Confirmation of Entry for a minimum period of 24 months.

Appealing a credit transfer determination

  1. Students may appeal to NESA for a review of its credit transfer determination.
  2. Principals must submit the appeal to NESA on behalf of the student.
  3. The appeal must:
    1. be endorsed by the principal in writing
    2. include additional supporting documentation, and
    3. be sent to

Credentialling credit transfers

  1. NESA approved credit transfers count as Board Endorsed units in the Preliminary and HSC pattern of study and are reported as credit transfer units on the RoSA and HSC.

Online resources

For further information

For credit transfer enquiries, please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at


HSC (curriculum)HSC credentialPreliminary

RPL criteria for non-VET courses

  1. Students whose prior learning is relevant to some or all learning outcomes in a NESA course, may apply for RPL. This includes formal, informal, or non-formal learning gained through past education and/or training programs undertaken in Australia or overseas, or through life and work experience.
  2. Principals have delegated authority from NESA to make determinations about RPL in Loading .
  3. Principals cannot grant RPL for:
    1. a course that has been credentialled as part of a student’s Stage 5 pattern of study, or as part of a credential at a similar level to Stage 5 in another school system interstate or overseas
    2. an entire HSC course.

Applying for RPL for non-VET courses

  1. Students applying for RPL must complete and submit the Student application to the principal for recognition of prior learning (RPL) form to their principal.
  2. In submitting their application, students must:
    1. take responsibility for knowing and adhering to the RPL criteria; implications for pattern of study requirements; and implications for the ATAR
    2. provide evidence as to how their prior learning relates to the outcomes of the course(s) for which RPL is being sought
    3. understand that RPL granted for an entire Preliminary course is not credentialled and the course will not count towards their Preliminary pattern of study.
  3. Principals must:
    1. review a student’s application for RPL
    2. base their determination on how a student has met specific learning outcomes in a NESA course (Board Developed or Board Endorsed) in other ways, such as formal, informal and non-formal learning
    3. notify NESA by email at only if RPL is being granted for an entire Preliminary course
    4. identify any gaps in specific learning outcomes that have not been achieved by the student’s prior learning, and develop a program to allow them to address these gaps
    5. advise the student that RPL granted for an entire Preliminary course is not credentialled and the course will not count towards the Preliminary pattern of study. The corresponding completed HSC course will be credentialled and will count towards the student’s HSC pattern of study.
    6. retain certified copies of all supporting documentation for a minimum period of 24 months.
    7. advise the student, in writing, on the result of their application.

Credentialling RPL courses

  1. RPL granted for an entire Preliminary course is not credentialled and the course does not count towards the Preliminary pattern of study. The corresponding completed HSC course is credentialled and counts towards the HSC pattern of study.

Online resources

For further information

For RPL enquiries, please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at