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NSW Education Standards Authority

VET curriculum requirements

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Under section 14 of the Education Act 1990 (NSW), NESA may develop syllabuses for courses of study or endorse syllabuses developed by schools or other educational bodies.

About VET curriculum requirements

  1. NESA’s VET courses are based on national Training Packages or accredited courses.
  2. VET courses for Stage 5 and Stage 6 must be delivered by a registered training organisation (RTO) that has the relevant qualification and units of competency on their scope of registration, and follow the course developed or endorsed by NESA.
  3. Schools retain overall responsibility for monitoring course delivery and for duty of care while students are participating in courses conducted by an RTO.


HSC (assessment)HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)K–10PreliminaryRoSAVET

Accessing Stage 5 and Stage 6 VET courses

Stage 5

  1. Students in Years 9 and 10 may access VET courses through 2 curriculum pathways:
    1. Stage 5 VET Board Endorsed courses, and/or
    2. early commencement of Stage 6 VET courses.

Stage 6

  1. Students in Years 11 and 12 may access VET courses through 2 curriculum pathways:
    1. Stage 6 VET Industry Curriculum Frameworks (Board Developed courses), and/or
    2. Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed courses.

VET courses may count towards the award of the RoSA and HSC

  1. VET courses may count towards the award of the RoSA and the HSC if:
    1. the course was developed or endorsed by NESA 
    2. the course was taught in line with the syllabus or course description, and indicative hour requirements
    3. the student has satisfactorily completed the course, including any mandatory work placement requirements, and
    4. the course adheres to NESA’s pattern of study requirements (HSC credential only).

Online resources

For further information

For enquiries about VET curriculum, VET courses, and students with disability, please email


HSC (curriculum)K–10PreliminaryVET

Proposing and endorsing VET BECs

  1. Schools may propose a new VET Board Endorsed course (VET BEC) and/or additional unit(s) of competency to existing VET BECs if a VET qualification or specific unit(s) of competency are not available through a VET course already developed or endorsed by NESA. VET BECs must be delivered by a registered training organisation (RTO).
  2. NESA reviews and endorses VET BECs annually.
  3. Schools must:
    1. read the VET BEC guidelines on NESA’s website
    2. complete:
      1. the Stage 5/6 VET BEC application form, or
      2. the Stage 6 VET BEC for school-based apprentices/trainees application form
    3. submit the application via the relevant school system/sector
    4. take responsibility to ensure their school system/sector submits the application to NESA by the dates specified on NESA’s website, and
    5. retain copies of supporting documentation.
  4. School systems/sectors must:
    1. attach evidence of support from the school system/sector, and from industry, and
    2. submit the completed VET BEC application form to by the dates specified on NESA’s website.
  5. NESA will:
    1. form a Board Endorsement Panel to review the application against published criteria
    2. make contact with the applicant and school system/sector if there are any questions, and
    3. make a decision to endorse or not endorse an application, and advise the applicant in writing.

Online resources

Related ACE Rules

For further information

For VET curriculum enquiries, please email