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NSW Education Standards Authority

VET credentialling

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Section 94 of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) sets out the eligibility requirements for the award of the RoSA.

Sections 95 and 95A of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) set out the eligibility requirements for the award of the HSC.


HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)K–10PreliminaryRoSAVET

Stage 5 VET course(s)

  1. Students who satisfactorily complete requirements for a Stage 5 VET course, and satisfy other eligibility requirements for the RoSA, will have the course name reported on their RoSA with the annotation, 'Refer to Vocational documentation’.

Stage 6 VET Industry Curriculum Framework course(s)

  1. Students who have satisfactorily completed requirements for a Loading  (Framework) course(s) will have the course(s) name and HSC credit value reported on their HSC credential.
  2. Students who have satisfactorily completed requirements for a Framework course(s), and have sat the related HSC exam(s), will also have the following reported on their HSC credential:
    1. the HSC exam mark
    2. HSC mark (which is equal to the exam mark), and
    3. HSC performance band.
  3. Students who attempt the Framework HSC exam and leave school without satisfactorily completing the HSC credential requirements will have the exam reported on:
    1. the RoSA (for students eligible for the RoSA), or
    2. the Transcript of Study (for students ineligible for the RoSA).
  4. Students will also receive the appropriate AQF VET qualification – Certificate or Statement of Attainment.

Frameworks delivered by TAFE NSW

  1. Students who have satisfactorily completed a Framework course(s) delivered by TAFE NSW will:
    1. have the course name(s) and HSC credit value reported on their HSC credential, with the annotation, ‘Refer to TAFE Transcript’, and
    2. receive additional documentation from TAFE NSW about the course(s) studied, and results obtained.

Stage 6 VET BECs

  1. Students who satisfactorily complete requirements for a Loading will have the course name and HSC credit value reported on their HSC credential, without a mark.
  2. For students studying a VET BEC through:
    1. a school system/sector RTO, their HSC credential will have the annotation, ‘Refer to Vocational documentation’
    2. TAFE NSW, their HSC credential will have the annotation, ‘Refer to TAFE Transcript’
    3. another RTO, their HSC credential will have the annotation, ‘Refer to Vocational documentation’.
  3. Students who leave school without satisfactorily completing the HSC credential requirements will have the VET BEC reported on:
    1. the RoSA (for students eligible for the RoSA), or
    2. the Transcript of Study (for students ineligible for the RoSA).
  4. Students will also receive the appropriate AQF VET qualification – Certificate or Statement of Attainment.

Online resources

For further information

For RoSA and HSC credential enquiries, please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at

For VET credential enquiries, please email


HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)VET

Reporting of the Industry-based Learning course

  1. Students who satisfactorily complete this course will have the course name and HSC credit value reported on their HSC credential without a mark, with the annotation ‘Completed’.

Online resources

For further information

For VET curriculum enquiries, please email

For enquiries about the award of the RoSA and HSC, please contact Student Records on (02) 9367 8001 or by email at



Successfully or partially completing requirements for an AQF VET qualification

  1. Students in a VET course(s) who:
    1. successfully complete all requirements of an AQF VET qualification will receive a Certificate of Attainment and an accompanying Transcript of Competencies Achieved
    2. partially complete the requirements of an AQF VET qualification will receive a Statement of Attainment listing the units of competency achieved.

Online resources

For further information

For VET credential enquiries, please email