Retaining student work samples and assessment activities
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NESA is authorised under section 20A of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) to prepare and distribute to schools information relating to the conduct of exams and other forms of assessment for the RoSA and HSC.
Retaining student work samples and corresponding assessment activities for grade monitoring
- NESA conducts grade monitoring for Year 10 and Preliminary courses (except courses based on Life Skills outcomes and content, and VET courses), and for Year 12 English Studies, Mathematics Standard 1, and Numeracy to ensure the awarding of grades by schools is consistent with state-wide standards.
- Work samples may be used by schools to strengthen the consistency of teacher professional judgements when allocating grades consistent with student achievement.
- Schools retain student work samples and the corresponding assessment activities to demonstrate how grades are awarded in accordance with state-wide standards.
- NESA may request work samples and corresponding assessment activities from a school for review.
- For the purpose of retaining work samples, TAFE NSW delivering courses based on NESA syllabuses have a responsibility to retain work samples.