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Showing results 1 - 10 of 20 results
Agriculture Technology 7–10 (2024): Stage 4/5 content point amended


  • Wording in content point was clarified for meaning.
    Found in: Stage 4 and Stage 5, Animal production (Animals and their environment) ‘Explore sustainable wildlife conservation Practices developed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’.
Stage 4Stage 5
Dance 7–10 (2023): Content and support materials amended


  • The word ‘other’ was removed to clarify the difference between auditory elements and theatrical elements.
    Found in:
    Stage 4, Appreciation, (Elements of dance) ‘Understand how the choreographer creates movements using the elements of dance, auditory and other theatrical elements to communicate the intent’.
    Stage 5, Appreciation, (Elements of dance) ‘Understand how choreographers communicate the intent through the use of the elements of dance, auditory and other theatrical elements’.
    Stage 5, Appreciation (Context)The language of dance analysis is applied to dance works in artistic, cultural, social and personal contexts’, Example.
    Stage 4 and Stage 5, Appreciation, Teaching advice.
    Page 4: Loading .
    Page 5: Loading .
  • ‘Auditory elements’ was removed from example for further clarity.
    Found in: Stage 4, Appreciation (Elements of dance) ‘Understand how the choreographer creates movements using the elements of dance, auditory and other theatrical elements to communicate the intent’, Example.
Stage 4Stage 5
English Standard 11–12 (2024): Sample HSC Examination update (Paper 2, Question 3)


  • Page 7: The stimulus in Question 3 has been updated to include text and acknowledgement after copyright approval was received.
    Found in: Stage 6, English Standard 11–12, HSC English Standard – annotated sample examination materials: Paper 2, Section III, The craft of writing.
Stage 6
English Studies 11–12 (2024): annotated sample examination materials


  • Stimulus Booklet Page 3, Text 2 has been updated to remove Memoir extract until copyright approval is received.
    Found in: Stage 6, English Studies 11–12, HSC English Studies – annotated sample examination materials, Narrative and human experiences, Stimulus Booklet, Section 1, Text 2 – Memoir extract.
Stage 6
Mathematics Advanced 11–12 (2024): Sample HSC Examination update (Question 1)


  • Options A and D in Question 1 have been swapped.
    Found in: Page 3 – Question 1: Loading .
Stage 6
Modern History 11–12 (2024): Sample HSC Examination update (Source G, Question 16b)


  • Page 16: The text in Source G (Question 16b) has been updated to include the full quote and updated acknowledgement after copyright approval was received.
    Found in: Stage 6, Modern History 11–12, HSC Modern History – annotated sample examination materials, Peace and conflict.
Stage 6
Science 7–10 (2023): Update to content point in Stage 5 > Waves and motion > Common properties of waves


  • Content point updated for clarity.
    Found in: Stage 5 > Waves and motion > Common properties of waves.
    Content point (original text): Compare the different wave forms of the electromagnetic spectrum.
    Changed to: Compare the different wave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Stage 5
Geography 7–10 (2024): Stage 4 content point amended


  • Wording in content point was clarified for consistency.
    Found in: Stage 4, Interconnections and trade (Thinking and working geographically), ‘Create written texts to explain the interconnections that people have to each other, and with places and environments’.
Stage 4
Software Engineering 11–12 (2022) HSC Course Specifications: Regression algorithm example updated


  • The Python code example has been updated to enable the program to run in a code editor with numpy and sklearn libraries installed.
  • The diagram of the three stages of MLOps has been updated to change the direction of the top centre arrow to point to the left. 

Found in: Loading  (pages 27 and 28 in document)

Stage 6
General website updates: Enhanced glossary functionality


  • The Glossary was updated to enhance the user interface and experience, including hover functionality and filtering improvements. New functionality was added, including Word document download capabilities, an Assessment filter and shareable hyperlinks to individual glossary terms.
    Found in: Glossary.