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NSW Education Standards Authority

Achieving the HSC

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Sections 95 and 95A of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) set out the eligibility requirements for the award of the Higher School Certificate (HSC).

About the HSC

  1. The HSC provides information on a student’s performance in all Loading  satisfactorily completed.
  2. Students eligible for the award of the HSC can download an HSC Record of Achievement in Students Online at the completion of the HSC.
  3. Year 11 and 12 students can access their cumulative results and the courses they are enrolled in by downloading their eRecord in Students Online. The Student eRecord is an interim report, not a formal credential.


HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)Life SkillsSchools OnlineVET

School requirements for entering students for the HSC

  1. Schools must enter students for the HSC:
    1. in Loading 
    2. in the study year that the student will sit the HSC exams, and
    3. by the entry due date outlined in the Loading .

Online resources

For further information

Please contact Student Support on (02) 9367 8117 or by email at


HSC credentialHSC (curriculum)Life SkillsPreliminaryRoSAVET

Eligibility requirements for the HSC

  1. NESA will grant the award of the HSC credential to students who meet the eligibility requirements for the award of the HSC.
  2. To be eligible for the award of the HSC, students must:
    1. have completed Year 10, and
    2. have attended a government school, an accredited non-government school, a school outside NSW recognised by NESA or a TAFE NSW institute, and
    3. have completed All My Own Work (AMOW) or its equivalent, and
    4. have demonstrated the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy, and
    5. have satisfactorily completed courses that comprise the pattern of study required by NESA for the award of the HSC, and
    6. undertake and make a serious attempt at the requisite HSC exams.

Eligibility exemptions

All My Own Work

  1. Students undertaking a pattern of study that comprises Stage 6 Life Skills courses only, are not required to complete AMOW.

HSC Minimum Standard

  1. Students may be eligible for an exemption from the HSC minimum standard.

Online resources

For further information

Please contact Student Support on (02) 9367 8117 or by email at


HSC credential

Appealing NESA’s decision to withhold the HSC

  1. Students wishing to appeal against NESA’s decision to withhold the HSC should email Student Support at
  2. NESA’s decision regarding any appeal is final.

Online resources

For further information

For enquiries about appealing NESA’s decision to withhold the HSC, please contact Student Support on (02) 9367 8117 or by email at