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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10Science 7–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Life Skills

Life Skills for Stage 4/5

Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.

Data science

Working scientifically

In this focus area, students develop skills in recording and interpreting data and information, and communicating scientific information. Additional Working scientifically outcomes and skills may be integrated with this content.

What is data?
  • Identify that information is what is known about something or someone

  • Identify new information that may be collected

  • Recognise privacy considerations when collecting or sharing personal information for an investigation

  • Identify some ways to collect data

  • Participate in an investigation to collect and record data

  • Organise information and data in a variety of ways

  • Describe how scientists collect data, including the use of technology to obtain large datasets

How scientists use data
  • Observe patterns in data

  • Make a prediction about what will happen based on a trend or pattern

  • Identify trends in data over a period of time

  • Explore how scientists use trends and patterns in data to make predictions or answer questions

  • Relate data or evidence to questions or claims

  • Identify digital or non-digital sources of information that are based on data or evidence

Data science in context
  • Use nutritional information to make informed decisions about what to eat

  • Use weather data to make informed decisions about what to wear

  • Use data and information to decide when to leave to arrive somewhere on time

  • Explore data and information about different industries to determine areas of post-secondary school interest

  • Investigate a recent claim, including who made it and what data they used, to determine if the claim can be trusted

  • Explore the consequences of making or publishing false claims

  • Practise ways to engage respectfully with people who have different views about science

  • Present an argument for something you have decided, using data or evidence to support your decision

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