K–10Mathematics K–10 Syllabus
Mathematics for K−2
The new syllabus must now be taught in Kindergarten to Year 2 in all NSW primary schools.
Mathematics for 3−10
The new syllabus is to be taught in Years 3 to 10 from 2024.
2024 – Start teaching the new syllabus
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Stage 2
- MAO-WM-01
develops understanding and fluency in mathematics through exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems, and communicating their thinking and reasoning coherently and clearly
- MA2-MR-01
represents and uses the structure of multiplicative relations to 10 × 10 to solve problems
- MA2-MR-02
completes number sentences involving multiplication and division by finding missing values
Generate number patterns using related multiples
Investigate number patterns involving related multiples
Apply the known strategy of doubling to connect multiples of 3 to 6 and 4 to 8 (Reasons about relations)
Use known facts to find unknown multiples (Reasons about relations)
Create and represent multiplicative structure, moving from arrays to partially covered area models
Use the commutative property of multiplication
Use the associative property within multiplication to regroup the factors (Reasons about structure)
Use flexible partitioning within multiplication (Reasons about relations)
Generate and recall multiplication fact families up to 10 x 10
Use multiplication facts with multiples of 10 to multiply a one-digit number by a multiple of 10
Use place value to rename groups of 10 to multiply
Apply the commutative and associative properties to multiply by multiples of 10
Use the equals sign to record equivalent number relationships involving multiplication (Reasons about relations)
Complete number sentences involving multiplication and division by calculating missing numbers (Reasons about relations)
Represent and solve multiplication and division (both sharing and grouping) word problems using number sentences