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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10English K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation for K–2 from 2023 and 3–10 from 2024
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 1

Oral language and communication

Content in Oral language and communication focuses on speaking and listening. For some students who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing, this will be through signing and watching Auslan as well as, or instead of, speaking and listening. Complementary content has been provided as alternative means to demonstrate aspects of the outcome for students who use other forms of communication to supplement or replace speech. Content should be taught through speaking and listening experiences, where appropriate, in combination with the student’s preferred communication forms. Teachers use the content for alternative communication forms in combination with the content for oral language to meet the needs of individual students.

Listening for understanding
  • Understand that oral language can be used in combination with nonverbal communication

  • Understand when a message is not clear and ask questions and/or gesture to elicit support and/or seek clarification

  • Follow extended instructions that contain connectives and conjunctions

  • Listen to or engage with texts for enjoyment and recognise that their own experience can shape their ideas and opinions of texts

  • Respond to information by asking relevant questions to extend their own and others' knowledge

Social and learning interactions
  • Initiate, listen and/or respond in partner and group conversations

  • Interact to evaluate ideas and refine meaning

  • Use a range of strategies for effective dialogue and manage digression from a topic

Understanding and using grammar when interacting
  • Incorporate extended sentences (simple, compound, complex) during dialogue

  • Organise key ideas in logical sequence

  • Use adjectives and adverbs to elaborate and/or provide some supporting details or justifications and express causal relationships

  • Use tense correctly to discuss past, present and future events

  • Link or compare ideas when interacting

Oral narrative
  • Recite poems and rhymes

  • Recount narratives with key components

  • Adapt a narrative for a particular audience

  • Deliver a planned narrative to an audience for specific contexts and purposes

Complementary content for alternative communication forms: Understanding and using grammar when interacting
  • Communicate extended ideas or sentences using gestures, symbols, signs, in combination with or in place of speech, during dialogue

  • Communicate ideas in the past, present and future using gestures, symbols, signs, in combination with or in place of speech

  • Use gestures, symbols, signs, in combination with or in place of speech, to link or compare ideas

Complementary content for alternative communication forms: Oral narrative
  • Use gestures, symbols, signs, in combination with or in place of speech, to engage with poems and rhymes

  • Recount a narrative with key components using gestures, symbols, signs, in combination with or in place of speech

  • Adapt a narrative for a particular audience using gestures, symbols, signs, in combination with or in place of speech

  • Use gestures, symbols, signs, in combination with or in place of speech to deliver a planned narrative to an audience for specific contexts and purposes

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