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NSW Education Standards Authority

Record of changes

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ACE Rules
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Showing results 1 - 10 of 32 results
Mathematics K–10 (2022): Stage 3 example changed


  • The wording of the example text was changed to ‘If it takes 8 hours to drive from Albury to Brewarrina, how long does it take to drive from Albury to Nyngan?’. A line labelled ‘8 hours’ has been added to the image and the sentence ‘A line the same length labelled 8 hours is underneath’ has been added to the image long description.
    Found in: Stage 3, Multiplicative relations B (Select and apply strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division with whole numbers), ‘Solve word problems involving rates using multiplication and division (Reasons about relations)’, Example.
Stage 3
Mathematics K–10 (2022): numeracy tag removed


  • Numeracy tag ‘AdS8’ was removed from content as the learning expectation more closely aligns with Stage 2.
    Found in: Stage 1, Combining and Separating quantities B (Form multiples of ten when adding and subtracting two-digit numbers).
Stage 1
Music 7–10 (2024): Stage 5 content point changed


  • Content point text was changed from ‘colotomy’ to ‘colotomic’.
    Found in: Stage 5, Elements of music (Structure), ‘Microstructures such as sequences, head, colotomy’.
Stage 5
Calculating and confirming submitted marks and grades

NESA has made changes to Rule 2.2.1. These changes include outlining the requirement for schools to have procedures for determining grades and final grade appeals for Preliminary and graded HSC courses. (see paragraphs 3.a and 4.a)

NESA has made changes to Rule 2.2.5. These changes outline the timeframe within which schools need to resolve student appeals over marks allocated for individual assessment tasks. (see paragraph 32)

NESA has also published a new rule – Rule 2.2.6 ‘Appealing Stage 6 grades’. This rule outlines requirements for internal school reviews of final Stage 6 grades and for subsequent appeals to NESA.

Stage 6
  • All Stage 6 English, Mathematics, Science, Technological and Applied Studies, HSIE, Creative Arts, Languages, PDHPE syllabuses
Course completion

NESA has not changed its requirements for course completion, non-completion and appeals.

All current ACE Online rules concerning course completion, non-completion and appeals have been transferred to the NSW Curriculum website without change to content. Schools should continue to follow their existing processes for course completion, non-completion and appeals until NESA publishes clarified requirements.

Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6
  • All Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6 syllabuses
Formal assessment programs and tasks

NESA has made a number of changes across Rules 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. These changes concern:

  • substitute assessment tasks and estimate marks (see paragraphs 15 and 32-36)
  • procedures for final rank order appeals (see paragraph 24.a.v)
  • procedures for final grade appeals (see paragraphs 6.a.iv and
  • procedures and timeframes for student appeals against marks awarded in individual assessment tasks (see paragraphs 24.a.iv, 37 and 38).
Stage 6
  • All Stage 6 syllabuses
Life Skills in Stage 5 – Course completion

NESA has not changed its requirements for course completion for students undertaking Stage 5 courses based on Life Skills outcomes and content.

Schools should continue to follow their existing processes for course completion for students undertaking Stage 5 courses based on Life Skills outcomes and content until NESA publishes clarified requirements.

Stage 5
  • All Stage 5 syllabuses
Life Skills in Stage 6 – Course completion

NESA has not changed its requirements for course completion for students undertaking Stage 6 Life Skills courses.

Schools should continue to follow their existing processes for course completion for students undertaking Stage 6 Life Skills courses until NESA publishes clarified requirements.

Stage 6
  • All Stage 6 syllabuses
Non-completion and appeals

NESA has not changed its requirements for course completion, non-completion and appeals.

All current ACE Online rules concerning course completion, non-completion and appeals have been transferred to the NSW Curriculum website without change to content. Schools should continue to follow their existing processes for course completion, non-completion and appeals until NESA publishes clarified requirements.

Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6
  • All Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6 syllabuses
VET course completion

NESA has not changed its requirements for VET course completion.

All current ACE Online rules concerning VET course completion have been transferred to the NSW Curriculum website without change to content. Schools should continue to follow their existing processes for VET course completion until NESA publishes clarified requirements.

Stage 5Stage 6
  • All Stage 5, Stage 6 VET syllabuses