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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 4

Understanding texts
Understanding and responding to target language texts
  • Identify the main ideas and details in a range of predictable seen and unseen texts

  • Process the explicit and implied meaning of information by responding to literal and inferential questions about the text in the target language or in English

  • Locate vocabulary in print and in digital glossaries using knowledge of word formation and parts of speech

  • Infer the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary and words with multiple definitions

  • Respond to texts, demonstrating understanding of linguistic and text features

Applying knowledge of the language system and text features to understand, interpret and respond to target language texts
  • Use knowledge of a range of grammatical and morphological features in simple and compound sentences

  • Use knowledge of a range of vocabulary

  • Use knowledge of culture, text structure and text type conventions

  • Use metalanguage to describe grammatical and text features

  • Use knowledge of pronunciation, intonation and phrasing

  • Use knowledge of sound–symbol correspondences and of the target language writing system and conventions

Translating target language texts
  • Produce coherent English translations of a range of predictable texts

  • Determine appropriate word order in English to retain the meaning and emphasis of the original text

  • Produce contextually appropriate translations of idiomatic language

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