K–10Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus
Life Skills
responds to a range of texts to demonstrate understanding
participates in the translation of modelled vocabulary, phrases or texts into English
Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.
Recognise familiar vocabulary in the target language
Sequence key vocabulary and phrases in the target language
Identify main ideas in texts
Respond to known vocabulary or phrases in the target language
Respond to texts in familiar contexts
Recognise the sounds of the target language
Respond to the language system or structure of a text
Apply knowledge of vocabulary or text features to understand texts
Recognise key vocabulary in the target language writing system
Engage in writing vocabulary using the target language writing system
Recognise and translate key vocabulary or phrases in familiar contexts into English
Translate simple texts in familiar contexts into English
Translate texts into English, applying knowledge of language systems, text features or culture