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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus

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Through the study of a Classical language and its texts, students immerse themselves in ancient worlds that have shaped the thought, languages, literatures, cultures and traditions of contemporary societies.

Learning a Classical language positions students to consider multiple ways of thinking and being. Students are exposed to new ways of viewing the world by accessing texts that give insight into ancient perspectives and lifestyles. Through texts, students examine social, ethical and political value systems and their impact.

Investigating Classical societies encourages students to be open to the perspectives of others. Students expand their understanding of the world to include the diversity of languages and cultures that have continued to be an integral feature of society since ancient times. They learn about and engage with these languages and cultures in ways that recognise commonalities and differences and create connections. This challenges them to reflect on their own identity, values, attitudes, beliefs and citizenship.

The study of a Classical language, translation and the movement between language systems promote mental agility and the development of literacy skills. Students broaden their vocabulary and metalanguage, gain an understanding of how languages work and learn to become better communicators. The nature of Classical languages requires students to pay close attention to detail, applying their critical and creative thinking, and exercising memory. As students engage with rich Classical texts and the literary traditions of the target language culture, they consider the use of language to present events and ideas, and learn to interpret meaning. All these skills support students in other learning areas, including learning additional languages.

Through studying a Classical language students acquire transferable skills for life, expand and enrich their perspective on the world and become engaged global citizens.