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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 2

Understanding texts
Understanding and responding to target language texts
  • Locate key information in simple texts

  • Use teacher cues, visual stimuli and word lists to prompt recall of familiar vocabulary

  • Respond to literal questions about a text in the target language or in English

Applying knowledge of language systems to understand and respond to target language texts
  • Recognise patterns of word formation and their links to meaning in familiar language

  • Use knowledge of familiar vocabulary in familiar contexts

  • Identify and use the sounds of familiar vocabulary and phrases in the target language

  • Recognise sound–symbol correspondences and reproduce vocabulary in the target language writing system from simple texts and the immediate environment

Translating target language texts
  • Translate modelled vocabulary and phrases using scaffolds

  • Recognise different ways of translating the same word

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