K–10Auslan K–10 Syllabus
The new Auslan K–10 Syllabus (2023) is to be implemented from 2026.
2024 and 2025 – Plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus
2024 and 2025 – Option to start teaching
2026 – Start teaching new syllabus for schools that choose to offer Auslan:
- within a K–6 language program
- for the mandatory 100 hours of language study in Years 7–10
- as Stage 5 language elective
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Stage 3
- AU3-UND-01
identifies information, opinions and ideas in texts and responds in Auslan and/or English
Content is provided for:
- Additional: students learning Auslan as an additional language
- Prior learning/experience: students learning Auslan with knowledge and/or experience from in or outside the classroom
- First: students learning Auslan as their first language.
Identify elements of sign production including handshape, orientation, movement, location and non-manual features
Identify and describe information and opinions in a range of texts
Identify and describe emotive language and experiences in a range of texts
Summarise and/or paraphrase information or ideas in texts
Summarise and classify information obtained from a range of texts on familiar topics
Compare ideas, characters and themes in visual vernacular texts
Identify and discuss ideas and opinions in texts and make connections with their own experiences
Translate familiar texts between Auslan and English and identify words and/or phrases requiring explanation
Reproduce own versions of texts about experiences or activities that describe, explain or persuade
Respond to different types of texts and make connections with their own ideas and experience
Translate a variety of familiar school and community texts between Auslan and English