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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Auslan K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 2

Interacting in Auslan

Content is provided for:

  • Additional: students learning Auslan as an additional language
  • Prior learning/experience: students learning Auslan with knowledge and/or experience from in or outside the classroom
  • First: students learning Auslan as their first language.
Exchanging meaning in interactions
  • Interact with peers and teachers on familiar topics and in classroom routines

  • Use familiar signs to share information about experiences, events, familiar people, leisure, local community and/or food

  • Exchange information with peers and familiar adults in guided and free interactions

  • Use collaborative language to contribute to class activities and shared learning tasks

Using features of Auslan to communicate
  • Use non-manual features to ask and respond to questions

  • Use simple clause structures to express ideas

  • Use basic entity, handling, and size and shape specifier depicting signs

  • Represent the viewpoint of a single participant using constructed action

  • Modify indicating verbs for present referents

  • Recognise that non-manual features are a formational element of signs and can show emotional states or grammatical information

  • Mark manner and/or aspect on verbs

Applying Auslan protocols
  • Identify similarities and differences between protocols in Auslan and other languages

  • Use a range of common protocols in the classroom and/or on videoconference platforms

  • Identify how d/Deaf people make adjustments to space to maximise visual attention

  • Use appropriate interaction skills in conversations

  • Use a range of protocols to initiate, interrupt and maintain a conversation

  • Interact appropriately on videoconference platforms

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