K–10Auslan K–10 Syllabus
The new Auslan K–10 Syllabus (2023) is to be implemented from 2026.
2024 and 2025 – Plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus
2024 and 2025 – Option to start teaching
2026 – Start teaching new syllabus for schools that choose to offer Auslan:
- within a K–6 language program
- for the mandatory 100 hours of language study in Years 7–10
- as Stage 5 language elective
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Stage 4
- AU4-INT-01
exchanges information, opinions and ideas using a range of linguistic structures and protocols appropriate for different audiences
Content is provided for:
- Additional: students learning Auslan as an additional language
- Prior learning/experience: students learning Auslan with knowledge and/or experience from in or outside the classroom
- First: students learning Auslan as their first language.
Exchange information about self, family, friends and interests with peers and teachers
Express feelings and preferences to peers and teachers
Distinguish between statements and questions
Ask and respond to familiar questions and directions
Plan events or activities with peers
Share information, opinions and ideas about current events, school and/or community experiences in a range of contexts
Plan and negotiate activities with peers and/or members of the community
Initiate and sustain spontaneous and/or planned interactions to share information, opinions and ideas about current events, school and/or community experiences
Participate in discussions and debates using extended interaction patterns
Negotiate plans and activities with peers and/or members of the Deaf community
Use fingerspelling accurately in planned interactions
Produce single signs using accurate handshape, movement and location
Describe objects, animals or people using lexical adjectives and some size and shape specifier depicting signs
Depict the movement of people, animals and transportation using simple one-handed depicting verbs
Use plain verbs and indicating verbs modified for present referents
Explore the use of non-manual features in Auslan
Use non-manual features for negation and questions
Use simple constructed action and handling depicting signs to show the characteristics and/or actions of an animal or a person
Use simple clauses with some time marking
Recognise the path movement of a particular sign and identify signs associated with the major types of path movements
Use smooth and fluent fingerspelling in planned and spontaneous interactions
Use more complex sentence structures including conjoining clauses
Explore non-manual features and their relationship with clause types
Use non-manual features for negation, topicalisation or conditional forms
Use constructed action to represent multiple participants
Use indicating verbs, depicting signs, constructed action and a range of non-manual features to communicate
Set up and maintain referents in signing spaces to enhance cohesion
Fingerspell longer words and lexicalised words fluently and make appropriate adjustments to handshapes and movements
Use fingerspelling to introduce names or words to peers and/or make explicit the English word meant by a sign
Use backchannels and hesitations to communicate in informal conversations
Shift perspectives between character or observer space to show different viewpoints
Show understanding of iconicity by using literal signs and metaphors creatively
Communicate clearly and appropriately with peers and teachers using protocols for classroom interactions
Engage in classroom and social interactions using a range of protocols
Use culturally appropriate forms of communication with different audiences
Use and respond appropriately to a range of protocols with members of the Deaf community
Use appropriate methods of communication in culturally specific settings and with different audiences