K–10Auslan K–10 Syllabus
The new Auslan K–10 Syllabus (2023) is to be implemented from 2026.
2024 and 2025 – Plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus
2024 and 2025 – Option to start teaching
2026 – Start teaching new syllabus for schools that choose to offer Auslan:
- within a K–6 language program
- for the mandatory 100 hours of language study in Years 7–10
- as Stage 5 language elective
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Stage 4
- AU4-UND-01
explains how texts represent information, opinions and/or ideas and responds in Auslan and/or English
Content is provided for:
- Additional: students learning Auslan as an additional language
- Prior learning/experience: students learning Auslan with knowledge and/or experience from in or outside the classroom
- First: students learning Auslan as their first language.
Identify gist and key information in a range of texts about familiar topics and use the information in new ways
Examine and explain how texts on familiar topics represent opinions and/or ideas
Identify and analyse how information is represented in a range of texts in school and community contexts
Examine and evaluate how a range of texts represent opinions and/or ideas
Examine information from texts that involve the expression of feelings or experiences
Analyse texts in wider community contexts
Analyse the complexities of reading fingerspelling from different angles and different styles of signers
Examine and analyse how different stylistic techniques convey ideas and emotions in texts
Indicate understanding, interest or lack of interest in a text using lexical signs, gestures and affective non-manual features
Identify, discuss and explain how ideas, characters and events are represented in a range of short texts
Translate short texts between Auslan and English
Explain their interpretation of creative and imaginative texts
Translate familiar texts between Auslan and English using a range of strategies and considering the role of culture
Respond to texts using a wide range of processing strategies, broad language knowledge and knowledge of text conventions and patterns
Analyse how information, opinions and/or ideas are represented in a variety of texts from formal and informal contexts
Respond to a range of texts that involve the creative expression of emotions or ideas and the imaginative representation of people, events and cultural experiences
Translate unfamiliar texts between Auslan and English using a range of strategies and considering the role of culture