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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Aboriginal Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 3

Language awareness and building

Content is provided for:

  • Additional: Language Revival – students learning the target language as an additional language
  • Prior: Language Revival – students with significant prior learning and/or experience in the target language
  • First: students continuing to learn their First Language as the target language.
Language building
  • Identify challenges and opportunities for maintaining, reviving and strengthening Aboriginal Languages

  • Identify challenges and opportunities for maintaining, reviving and strengthening Aboriginal Languages

  • Identify challenges, opportunities and protocols associated with maintaining, reviving and strengthening Aboriginal Languages

  • Investigate programs, initiatives and techniques that contribute to the strengthening of Aboriginal Languages

Language ecologies
  • Explore the situation of Aboriginal Languages and the diversity of contexts nationally

  • Explore the situation of Aboriginal Languages and the diversity of contexts nationally

  • Investigate and compare the ecology of the target language to other Aboriginal Languages, Torres Strait Islander Languages and international Indigenous languages

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