K–10Aboriginal Languages K–10 Syllabus
Early Stage 1
- ALE-COM-01
composes simple texts in the target language using supports and other scaffolds
Content is provided for:
- Additional: Language Revival – students learning the target language as an additional language
- Prior: Language Revival – students with significant prior learning and/or experience in the target language
- First: students continuing to learn their First Language as the target language.
Compose shared simple texts in the target language
Compose shared simple texts in the target language using illustrations or actions to support meaning
Compose shared stories, songs and performances using familiar words and expressions
Label objects and images in the target language and English
Create simple bilingual texts for the classroom environment
Create simple bilingual/multilingual texts for the classroom environment
Recognise the sounds of the target language
Recognise features of the target language sound system, including pitch, accent, rhythm and intonation
Recognise the different sounds, intonation and rhythms of the target language and how sounds and words relate to the writing system