K–10Auslan K–10 Syllabus
The new Auslan K–10 Syllabus (2023) is to be implemented from 2026.
2024 and 2025 – Plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus
2024 and 2025 – Option to start teaching
2026 – Start teaching new syllabus for schools that choose to offer Auslan:
- within a K–6 language program
- for the mandatory 100 hours of language study in Years 7–10
- as Stage 5 language elective
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Stage 5
- AU5-RLC-01
analyses the interrelationship between language, culture and identity
Content is provided for:
- Additional: students learning Auslan as an additional language
- Prior learning/experience: students learning Auslan with knowledge and/or experience from in or outside the classroom
- First: students learning Auslan as their first language.
Discuss and reflect on their identity in relation to learning Auslan
Create a written text in English and/or multimodal presentation using Auslan to reflect on their personal experience of learning Auslan
Discuss and reflect on the nature of identity in relation to themselves and members of the Deaf community
Create a written text in English and/or multimodal presentation using Auslan to reflect on their personal experience of the interrelationship between language, culture and identity
Discuss and reflect on how moving between languages and cultures impacts their identity
Compare the connections and shared identity between local, regional and national communities of d/Deaf people
Create a written text in English and/or multimodal presentation using Auslan to reflect on how communities of d/Deaf people can develop a shared identity
Explore how Auslan and Deaf culture are interrelated and understand that they evolve and develop over time and in different contexts
Explore the complexity of the relationship between language and culture
Compare levels of endangerment of Auslan, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Sign Languages and different signed languages around the world
Explore how moving between different languages and cultures impacts on ways of thinking and behaving
Examine the status and use of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Sign Languages and compare these to Auslan regarding language maintenance and revival strategies