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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 5

Understanding texts
Understanding and responding to spoken, written and multimodal target language texts
  • Listen to, read and view information, ideas and perspectives in moderately complex texts on a range of themes

  • Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information, ideas and perspectives in texts

  • Respond to texts critically and creatively in the target language and/or English by interpreting and analysing information, ideas and perspectives

  • Demonstrate understanding of the context, purpose and audience in texts

Applying knowledge of language systems to understand and respond to target language texts
  • Use knowledge of a wide range of features of the sound system to understand texts

  • Use knowledge of a wide range of sound–symbol correspondences to understand and respond to texts

  • Use knowledge of vocabulary from a wide range of themes to understand and respond to texts

  • Use knowledge of and manipulate a range of structures and features of the grammatical system to understand and respond to texts

  • Use knowledge of a range of structures and features of the target language writing system to understand and respond to texts

  • Use metalanguage to reflect on and evaluate target language structures and features in texts

Developing intercultural understanding through target language texts
  • Respond to texts by reflecting on how identity is shaped by language(s), culture(s), practices, values and perspectives

  • Respond to texts by reflecting on the relationship between language and culture in communication

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