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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 5


Interacting in a language is primarily done through oral language. Where students use other forms of communication to supplement or replace speech, the content should be taught using the student’s preferred communication form(s).

Exchanging and negotiating meaning to interact in the target language
  • Socialise with peers to build and maintain relationships

  • Make arrangements with peers

  • Understand and reciprocate detailed information about their own and others’ personal worlds

  • Express and compare emotions and personal preferences

  • Ask questions, make requests and explain actions

  • Discuss and justify opinions, ideas and perspectives

  • Use and adapt a range of communication strategies to facilitate and sustain interactions in a range of contexts

Applying knowledge of language systems to interact in the target language
  • Use a wide range of features of the sound system in spoken interactions

  • Adjust and adapt vocabulary from a wide range of themes to interact

  • Control and manipulate a range of structures and features of the grammatical system to interact

Applying knowledge of the target language culture(s) to interact
  • Adjust and adapt language that is appropriate to cultural practices, values and perspectives to interact

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