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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus

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Learning a language provides students with an opportunity to communicate and engage with the world and its people. Students learn the target language by developing and applying their knowledge of the language and culture(s). Studying a language enhances communication with speakers of the target language and equips learners with intercultural capability. They engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world and develop respect, openness and empathy.

Students explore the target language and culture(s) and their own heritage, language(s) and culture(s). This enriches a student’s understanding of themselves and their sense of belonging as they are exposed to new ways of seeing their own identity and culture(s). The Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus invites students to consider the perspectives of others and the world beyond themselves, contributing to their own social and emotional development. Learning a language provides students with opportunities to engage socially, culturally and economically in the community. They develop a deeper understanding of their place in the world and the importance of global citizenship.

Learning a language improves literacy outcomes in first and additional languages and it also increases metalinguistic awareness. Learning languages strengthens collaborative and problem-solving skills, and enhances reflective, critical and creative thinking.

The communicative, intercultural and intellectual benefits of language learning reach beyond the individual. Proficiency in languages is a resource that serves communities and supports and promotes social cohesion within Australia. It strengthens intercultural capability, and enables students to exchange and negotiate meaning within and across languages and cultures, both locally and globally. Students develop their communicative competence and ability to use the target language in real situations and see language learning as offering valuable skills for life.