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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 3


Interacting in a language is primarily done through oral language. Where students use other forms of communication to supplement or replace speech, the content should be taught using the student’s preferred communication form(s).

Exchanging meaning in oral interactions in the target language
  • Understand and share information about themselves and their personal world

  • Ask and answer questions with familiar structures

  • Express and describe emotions and personal preferences

  • Address a new acquaintance and introduce themselves

  • Ask for clarification or repeat information to facilitate understanding in familiar interactions

Applying knowledge of language systems to interact in the target language
  • Use key features of the sound system including pronunciation, intonation patterns, stress and/or rhythms to interact

  • Use familiar vocabulary to interact

  • Use modelled grammatical structures to interact

Applying knowledge of the target language culture(s) to interact
  • Use language and nonverbal communication that are appropriate to cultural practices

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