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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Early Stage 1


Interacting in a language is primarily done through oral language. Where students use other forms of communication to supplement or replace speech, the content should be taught using the student’s preferred communication form(s).

Exchanging meaning in oral interactions in the target language
  • Greet and farewell others

  • Introduce themselves

  • Answer common questions about themselves in simple conversations

  • Interact in classroom routines reproducing modelled language with actions and gestures

  • Interact in games and imaginative play

Reproducing oral language to interact in the target language
  • Reproduce modelled vocabulary and formulaic phrases on familiar themes to interact

  • Recognise and reproduce modelled sounds to interact

Reproducing how target language speakers communicate in interactions
  • Reproduce verbal and nonverbal communication that is appropriate to cultural practices

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