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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Early Stage 1

Understanding texts
Understanding and responding to target language texts
  • Follow simple instructions

  • Listen to, read and/or view simple texts such as stories or songs by participating in shared activities

  • Use auditory cues, gestures, visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication to understand texts

  • Associate vocabulary on familiar themes with known actions, people, places and objects

  • Respond to simple texts using actions, drawing and singing in the target language and/or English

  • Reproduce vocabulary seen or heard in texts to demonstrate understanding

Developing knowledge of language systems to understand and respond to target language texts
  • Recognise the meaning of modelled vocabulary on familiar themes to understand and respond to texts

  • Recognise and reproduce sounds to understand and respond to texts

  • Connect symbols in the target language with familiar sounds to understand and respond to texts

  • Notice and reproduce symbols of the writing system to understand and respond to texts

Developing intercultural understanding through target language texts
  • Understand that there are many languages and cultural practices that are used by peers, family and community

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