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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Aboriginal Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2024
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 5

Life Skills for Stage 4/5

Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.


Content is provided for:

  • Additional: Language Revival – students learning the target language as an additional language
  • Prior: Language Revival – students with significant prior learning and/or experience in the target language
  • First: students continuing to learn their First Language as the target language.
Spoken, written and/or multimodal texts
  • Compose texts in a variety of formats, using modelled language

  • Compose texts in a variety of formats for different contexts and purposes

  • Compose texts in spoken, written, visual and/or multimodal forms for different contexts and purposes

Bilingual and/or multilingual texts
  • Create bilingual texts in a variety of formats, using modelled language

  • Create bilingual texts in a variety of formats for different contexts and purposes

  • Create bilingual texts in spoken, written, visual and/or multimodal forms for different contexts and purposes

Systems of Language
  • Recognise the relationship between patterns and structures of the target language

  • Recognise features of grammar and sentence structure in the target language

  • Recognise and use patterns and structures of the target language

  • Recognise and use features of grammar and sentence structure in the target language

  • Recognise the use of target language pronunciation and intonation patterns

  • Recognise and use features of grammar and sentence structure in the target language

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