K–10English K–10 Syllabus
English for K−2
The new syllabus must now be taught in Kindergarten to Year 2 in all NSW primary schools.
English for 3−10
The new syllabus is to be taught in Years 3 to 10 from 2024.
2024 – Start teaching the new syllabus
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Life Skills
The Life Skills outcomes codes have changed from ENLS-URT-01 to ENLS-URA-01; ENLS-URT-02 to ENLS-URB-01; ENLS-URT-03 to ENLS-URC-01; ENLS-EIP-01 to ENLS-ECA-01; ENLS-EIP-02 to ENLS-ECA-02; and ENLS-EIP-03 to ENLS-ECB-01.
These codes have also been updated in relevant support materials.
identifies ideas, experiences and values in a range of texts
Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.
Recognise that texts convey messages
Explore and communicate ideas and information in texts
Explore the messages, values or experiences in texts
Explore home languages and language connections within the class or community
Explore representations of cultures and traditions in texts
Recognise that languages and dialects, including Standard Australian English, Auslan, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages, and Aboriginal English, can represent expressions of cultural context within texts
Recognise that an author’s personal and cultural experiences can shape meaning in a text
Explore how culture and identity influence perspectives in texts
Respond to a text by providing a justified opinion of their own perspective
Identify fact and opinion in texts
Identify an intended meaning of a text
Select and use evidence to support an argument
Identify an authoritative voice in a text
Identify elements of style in a text
Recognise the purpose of different texts by their style
Explore how elements of style have been used to communicate ideas, experiences and values
Compare texts and identify how style changes according to audience or purpose