K–10English K–10 Syllabus
English for K−2
The new syllabus must now be taught in Kindergarten to Year 2 in all NSW primary schools.
English for 3−10
The new syllabus is to be taught in Years 3 to 10 from 2024.
2024 – Start teaching the new syllabus
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Life Skills
The Life Skills outcomes codes have changed from ENLS-URT-01 to ENLS-URA-01; ENLS-URT-02 to ENLS-URB-01; ENLS-URT-03 to ENLS-URC-01; ENLS-EIP-01 to ENLS-ECA-01; ENLS-EIP-02 to ENLS-ECA-02; and ENLS-EIP-03 to ENLS-ECB-01.
These codes have also been updated in relevant support materials.
makes connections with and between texts
Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.
Identify genres of texts
Explore language, character archetypes and/or visuals in a genre
Communicate a preference for a particular genre
Communicate connections between texts
Recognise that texts can be adapted for different audiences, purposes or contexts
Explore adaptations and/or appropriations of texts
Identify when a text has connections to other texts
Identify the ways that connections between texts create a richer meaning
Identify a personal experience conveyed by a text
Explore how texts can represent significant personal experiences or ideas
Explore texts from a range of cultures and storytellers, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures