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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10Computing Technology 7–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 4

Enterprise information systems: Analysing data
Identifying and defining
  • Differentiate between data and information

  • Describe the purpose of analysing data

  • Describe inputs, storage, transmission, processes and outputs in data analysis

  • Specify the functional requirements of a data analysis, including stating the purpose of a solution, describing use cases and developing test cases of inputs and expected outputs

  • Specify the non-functional requirements of a data analysis

  • Consider the social impacts and ethical and legal responsibilities in analysing data

  • Explore data analysis considering the perspectives of diverse groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people of different ages and gender, and people with disability

  • Explain simple compression of data and types of compression

  • Explore the applications of small and big datasets

Researching and planning
  • Describe how data analysis has evolved in response to people's needs and opportunities

  • Explore design principles and issues relevant to analysing data, including visualisation principles, data trails and ownership of data

  • Collect and interpret data adhering to privacy and cybersecurity principles

  • Represent and store data to facilitate computation, including selecting appropriate data types, understanding data type limitations and structuring data systematically

  • Model entities, events and their attributes using structured data

  • Model the relationships between entities and events using relational data

  • Compare the usability of data using a spreadsheet or database to analyse the same dataset

  • Investigate issues with the use of data, including cyber safety, security, privacy and ethics

  • Analyse data in both a flat-file and relational database using queries and reports

  • Explore how a classifier uses data analysis for machine learning

  • Define a real-world problem or question that can be solved by analysing data, including breaking it down into manageable parts and describing the users of the solution

  • Generate alternative designs and evaluate them against the requirements to select a preferred design

Producing and implementing
  • Develop a digital solution using a range of software to interpret and represent data to create information for a real-world scenario

  • Specify what data is collected, who owns it, and how it will be protected

  • Create interactive solutions for sharing information online with a visualisation library

  • Document the design and implementation of the solution in a project notebook

  • Use appropriate methods to collect, store, validate and verify qualitative and quantitative data, considering data integrity considering privacy and personally identifying information (PII)

  • Summarise data using formulas, functions and features of a spreadsheet, including complex formulas, aggregate functions and lookup functions

  • Filter, group and sort data using a spreadsheet, including using filters and sorting, using conditional formatting and grouping and aggregating data

  • Present data and make predictions and decisions using a spreadsheet, including creating a data dashboard or report in a spreadsheet, decision formulas and optimisation

  • Analyse data to make decisions and generate reports using a database

  • Load, insert and update data in a database

  • Generate a data visualisation to identify trends and outliers using a range of tools

  • Select and use specialist terminology in context

  • Create a record of project development demonstrating iterative design and evaluation

Testing and evaluating
  • Evaluate their own project and that of their peers using predetermined functional and non-functional requirements

  • Evaluate whether solutions meet social, ethical and legal responsibilities and cybersecurity principles

  • Evaluate sourced data processed using the 3Vs: volume, variety and velocity

  • Assess a developed solution based on calculations from datasets

  • Perform verification of datasets, calculations and outputs

  • Evaluate tools and processes used in the analysis of data for validation

  • Explore interests and careers in analysing data

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