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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10Computing Technology 7–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Stage 4

Software development: Creating games and simulations
Identifying and defining
  • Explore how the changing needs of society have influenced the development of games and simulations, including the impact of simulations and games on a range of industries

  • Investigate the representation of logic when designing games and simulations, including sequences, branching and iteration, including logical and relational operators

  • Describe inputs, storage, transmission, processes and outputs in games and/or simulations

  • Specify the functional requirements of a game or simulation, including stating the purpose of a system, describing use cases and developing test cases of inputs and expected outputs

  • Specify the non-functional requirements of a game or simulation

  • Consider the social impacts and ethical and legal responsibilities in games or simulations

  • Explore games and simulations considering the perspectives of diverse groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people of different ages and gender, and people with disability

  • Describe the features of an object-oriented programming language

Researching and planning
  • Explore how predefined algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) control computer components

  • Explore products that simulate the real world and how simulations are used to solve real-world problems

  • Explore how augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR) create immersive experiences

  • Explore how games and simulations address environmental, lifestyle, societal and economic challenges including cyber safety

  • Explore design principles and issues relevant to game design

  • Evaluate an existing game or simulation in terms of its mechanics, aesthetics and usability

  • Generate alternative designs and evaluate them against the requirements to select a preferred design

  • Investigate data collection and interpretation adhering to privacy and cybersecurity principles, including specify what data is collected, who owns it, and how it will be protected

  • Represent data and code to facilitate computation, including selecting appropriate data types, understanding data type limitations and structuring code systematically

  • Represent algorithms using flowcharts and pseudocode

  • Design and/or modify existing algorithms for games or simulations

  • Validate algorithms with desk checking

Producing and implementing
  • Use program-development support tools, including Input Process Output (IPO) charts/diagrams, decision trees, flowcharts and structured English/pseudocode, in the development of a game or simulation

  • Create and modify algorithms and code that use branching and iteration, and represent them diagrammatically and in English

  • Develop an efficient computer program by selecting appropriate data types and structures

  • Develop prototypes to communicate design ideas and features to potential end users

  • Implement an event loop in a game or simulation using event-driven programming

  • Simulate a 2D or 3D physical world using fixed time increments

  • Simulate a 2D environment by updating the state of a cell based on its neighbour

  • Develop appropriate supporting documentation in a program to ensure it is easy to read, understand and maintain

  • Modify existing programming code to observe the effects of changing variables

  • Modify existing code to observe changes in an array

  • Identify and correct types of errors, including syntax, logical and run-time

  • Select and use specialist terminology in context

  • Plan and manage a project to create a game and/or simulation using an iterative approach

  • Implement a game or simulation using the preferred design in a general-purpose or object-oriented programming language

  • Develop the UI and UX of a game, including using event-driven programming or an event loop to respond to user input

  • Implement common game features, including the game state

  • Interpret and modify existing programs (code) for games or simulations

  • Design and implement modular programs (code) with functions for games

  • Program selected algorithms and data structures for games or simulations

  • Validate programs using test cases and debug a range of errors

  • Interpret and extend or implement an object-oriented program (code)

  • Create a record of project development demonstrating iterative design and evaluation

Testing and evaluating
  • Evaluate their own project and that of their peers using predetermined functional and non-functional requirements

  • Evaluate whether solutions meet social, ethical and legal responsibilities and cybersecurity principles

  • Validate algorithms and programs through tracing and test cases

  • Test and evaluate the functionality and performance of a simulation or game for specified requirements

  • Evaluate social, ethical and cybersecurity considerations of games and simulations

  • Explore careers in game and simulation design and development

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