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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10History 7–10 Syllabus

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Implementation from 2027
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Life Skills

Life Skills for Stage 4/5

Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.

Imperialism in Asia (1750–1918)

Historical context: Europe’s need for more resources as a result of the Industrial Revolution led to the movement of peoples around the globe. This contributed to the making of the modern world as we know it.

This focus area aligns with:

  • Stage 5 Loading 
  • Stage 5 Loading 

Content in Working with historical concepts and skills outlines how historical concepts and skills are to be integrated with all other content in this focus area as part of the process of historical inquiry.

Working with historical concepts and skills
  • Use relevant historical concepts and skills

  • Engage in the historical inquiry process

  • Communicate ideas about imperialism in Asia through oral, visual, written or multimodal texts

Background, origins and connections to imperialism in Asia
  • Personal experiences of power or authority

  • Groups with power or authority in a community

  • Reasons groups might want to gain power over other groups

  • Ways groups throughout history have tried to gain power over other groups

  • The geographical location of significant nations in Asia

Significant groups, individuals, ideas, beliefs, practices or events in imperialism in Asia
  • How the Industrial Revolution led to Europe’s need for more resources

  • Europe’s search for resources around the world

  • Resources produced by Asia that were used by other nations

  • Features of a particular conflict between ONE Asian nation and a European or Asian nation during this period

  • A key moment(s), achievement(s) or turning point(s) in the interaction between the Asian nation and another Asian nation or European nation

Impact and legacies of imperialism in Asia
  • Personal histories of students or local citizens who had relatives or ancestors who experienced the change in an Asian nation

  • Representations of Asian culture and traditions in Australia

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