7–10History 7–10 Syllabus
The new History 7–10 Syllabus (2024) is to be implemented from 2027.
2025 and 2026 – Plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus
2027 – Start teaching new syllabus
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Life Skills
Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.
Historical context: The Second World War played a pivotal role in shaping the modern world.
This focus area aligns with:
- Stage 5 Loading
- Stage 5 Loading
Content in Working with historical concepts and skills outlines how historical concepts and skills are to be integrated with all other content in this focus area as part of the process of historical inquiry.
LoadingUse relevant historical concepts and skills
Engage in the historical inquiry process
Communicate ideas about Australia at war through oral, visual, written or multimodal texts
Symbols and celebrations that represent love of and belonging to Australia
Personal or local stories related to Australia at war
The reasons countries go to war
The geographical location of the Second World War (WWII) and the countries involved
The uniforms, weaponry and transport used by Australian troops in WWII
Aspects of the daily life and living conditions of military leaders, soldiers, nurses in the field, or women on the home front, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on the home front
Significant places where Australians fought in WWII
Key moments of the war in the Pacific
Contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, women and migrants to WWII
People who were persecuted in WWII, including Jewish people
Key moment(s), achievement(s) or turning point(s) in WWII
Experiences of soldiers returning from active service, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander soldiers
How memorials, remembrances and institutions in Australia today reflect WWII, including those dedicated to people affected by the Holocaust
Perspectives on the impacts of WWII