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NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Computing Technology Life Skills 11–12 Syllabus

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Life Skills

Life Skills for Stage 6

Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.

Networking systems and social computing
Intelligent networks
  • Identify a network as a group or system of interconnected things

  • Recognise that networks can be human or digital

  • Recognise that devices in a digital network communicate with each other and with users

  • Outline the key components of a digital network

  • Identify ways in which digital networks support communication between individuals and devices

  • Recognise the internet as a large network that uses hardware and software to send and receive data across cables or wirelessly

  • Recognise the components in a network of interdependent devices

  • Identify nodes and links within a network

  • Identify the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Me (IoMe) as networks of smart devices sending data

  • Identify digital technologies that are connected by the Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Define intelligent networks

  • Identify intelligent networks used for personal or business applications

  • Explore factors that influence the design and production of an intelligent network

Networks and their applications
  • Explore the factors that interfere with the transmission of data between a computer and social network

  • Compare and contrast how different intelligent networks have improved daily life

  • Explore how the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing home and work environments

  • Explore the impact that the Internet of Things (IoT) has had on society

Data storage and workflow in networks
  • Define metadata

  • Identify the digital platforms that use and collect metadata

  • Explore how metadata is used to inform search engine suggestions and searches, social media and marketing

  • Describe how data is transmitted and secured in an expert or intelligent system

  • Use a flow-chart model to demonstrate the encryption and decryption of data

  • Identify the data processes that are communicated throughout an intelligent network

  • Identify risk factors when using intelligent networks

  • Investigate the capacity of hardware and software in supporting the transmission of data back and forth through a network

  • Explore data security requirements of an intelligent home network

  • Recognise the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in supporting intelligent networks

  • Explore the role of software in managing the storage and transfer of data in an Internet of Things (IoT) network

  • Evaluate the social and ethical issues surrounding the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the storage and transfer of data

Creating a network
  • Design a map to determine the best paths data takes to reach its destination and how this affects its speed through an intelligent network

  • Participate in developing a block-based algorithm that emulates a network in a simulated web application, program or online game environment

  • Develop a block-based program to connect a robot to a network and complete certain actions

  • Design an intelligent network using online network diagram software

  • Participate in planning a user’s experience using an intelligent network

  • Use a set of criteria to develop a physical or digital model of an intelligent network

  • Use digital technologies to create a simulated intelligent network based on the needs of a specified business

  • Explore the role of encryption algorithms and protocols in intelligent networks and how this creates a safer environment for users

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