7–10Visual Arts 7–10 Syllabus
The new Visual Arts 7–10 Syllabus (2024) is to be implemented from 2027.
2025 and 2026 – Plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus
2027 – Start teaching new syllabus
School sectors are responsible for implementing syllabuses and are best placed to provide schools with specific guidance and information on implementation given their understanding of their individual contexts.
Stage 4
demonstrates safe art making practices
experiments with and makes choices about materials, techniques and/or processes
expresses self or communicates ideas in artworks
Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.
Engage with multisensory materials, techniques and processes to create artworks
Communicate personal preferences for materials, techniques or processes
Engage with 2D, 3D and/or 4D art forms, including drawing
Recognise how art making is used as a tool for self-expression
Communicate ideas or choices about their artworks in the Visual Arts diary
Generate ideas, choices or actions in the Visual Arts diary
Follow a sequence to develop an artwork
Collaboratively or independently plan, select and/or arrange an artwork, or artworks, for an audience
Recognise Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) relating to visual arts
Interact respectfully with other people’s artworks, including gaining consent to interact with, share or use elements of a work
Identify and demonstrate strategies to support safety and wellbeing in art spaces, including working respectfully with others
Use safe art practices and manual handling techniques
Demonstrate an awareness of safety when attending exhibitions in the community or virtually