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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10Music 7–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 5

Elements of music

The list of elements is not a list of essential content. Teachers should select appropriate elements of music relevant to the repertoire and the interests and needs of the students.

  • Increasingly complex note/rest values such as triplets, duplets, dotted

  • Mixed metre

  • Increasingly complex rhythmic patterns including uneven groupings

  • Increasingly complex rhythmic devices such as up-beat/anacrusis, polyrhythm, cross-rhythm, swung rhythms, diminution, augmentation

  • Melodic devices such as sequence, melisma, chromaticism, motif, ornamentation

  • Scales such as blues, whole-tone, chromatic, raga, heptatonic, maqam

  • Harmonic devices such as consonance, dissonance, cadences, extended chords, modulation, pedal point

  • Instrument, style or technology-specific methods of notating pitch such as lead-sheet, chord chart, sargam, gamelan cipher, digital audio workstation, piano roll

  • Textural characteristics such as density, type and roles of layers

  • Interaction of layers through textural devices such as: unison, doubling, imitation, call and response, canon, counter-melody, contrary motion

Performing media and timbre
  • Combinations of performing media such as small and large ensembles

  • Effect of range and register, expressive techniques and/or electronic manipulation on timbre

  • Directions indicating vocal and instrumental techniques

Dynamics and expression
  • Dynamics including gradations such as niente, sforzando

  • Articulations such as tenuto, marcato, portato

  • Expressive techniques by specific performing media such as palm muting, flutter-tonguing

  • Electronic manipulation techniques such as looping, compression, sustain

  • Expressive directions and associated terminology

  • Macrostructures such as strophic, sonata form, multi-movement

  • Microstructures such as sequences, head, colotomic

  • Relationship of structures and style

  • Relationship of structures and the development of musical material

  • Musical devices to support structure

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