uses performance skills to demonstrate understanding of the elements of music and communicate musical ideas
uses listening skills to describe music in relation to stylistic, cultural, historical or social contexts and the elements of music
improvises, arranges or composes using the elements of music to create musical ideas
performs repertoire with stylistic awareness and musical expression
manipulates and combines the elements of music in performance to communicate musical ideas
uses listening skills to analyse music in relation to stylistic, cultural, historical and social contexts
uses listening skills to evaluate how the elements of music are manipulated and combined
improvises, arranges or composes with stylistic understanding and musical expression
manipulates and combines the elements of music to create musical ideas
engages in music performances vocally or instrumentally
demonstrates safe musical practices
performs to express self or communicate ideas
responds to music from a variety of styles, cultures or contexts
responds to the ways the elements of music are used
creates a variety of sounds through exploration of the elements of music
makes choices about musical material to communicate an idea
improvises, arranges or composes rhythms or melodies