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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Health and Movement Science 11–12 Syllabus

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Implementation from 2025
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Life Skills

Life Skills for Stage 6

Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.

Training for improved performance
How do I safely participate in a range of physical activities? Participating in physical activity
  • Explore a range of physical activities as a spectator or participant

  • Identify a range of physical activities that can be undertaken individually or with others

  • Recognise equipment required to participate in a chosen physical activity

  • Investigate and/or demonstrate ways to be active in the home using available equipment

  • Combine movement and fitness skills to participate in a range of physical activities

  • Demonstrate knowledge of and skills in a preferred physical activity

How do I safely participate in a range of physical activities? Safe participation
  • Identify safety for self when participating in physical activities

  • Identify risk factors related to physical activity and sport

  • Demonstrate ways to reduce risks associated with participation in physical activities

  • Investigate guidelines or policies for safe participation in a chosen physical activity or sport

  • Explore risk factors in a variety of scenarios in physical activity and suggest strategies to reduce risks

  • Identify and locate individuals and/or organisations that can provide advice or support when planning for safe participation in physical activity

  • Explore ways to increase safe participation in physical activity for particular groups, such as children, people with disability

  • Investigate how modifications can increase safe participation in physical activity for particular groups

How do I safely participate in a range of physical activities? Treatment of injuries
  • Identify circumstances that require first aid or specialist treatment

  • Demonstrate strategies to apply first aid to an injured person

  • Demonstrate appropriate treatment for injuries and conditions which may occur in a physical activity or sport context

How are training needs identified?
  • Engage in programs to support the development of personal mobility or physical activity goals

  • Explore factors that influence people’s physical activity choices

  • Describe health-related components of physical fitness

  • Identify the benefits of health screening for physical activity

  • Compare the differing training needs for people from various backgrounds and contexts

  • Explore the role of technology in individual performance in physical activity

  • Investigate the influence of technology on increased participation in physical activity or sport

  • Investigate how performance/fitness testing for individuals can be used to improve their health, participation and performance

  • Investigate and/or use methods for monitoring performance in physical activity

  • Explore how fitness training and health screening can inform training programs

How is training effective?
  • Explore and participate in a range of skill-related components of physical fitness

  • Recognise physical activities that require training

  • Investigate the benefits of training on performance in physical activity

  • Explore the physiological changes training can have on the body

  • Identify components of a training session for a particular physical activity or sport

  • Design or conduct a training session for a selected physical activity or sport

  • Participate in a variety of different training methods

  • Recognise and discuss the principles of training for individual and group activities

  • Participate in training experiences for a particular physical activity or sport

  • Consider factors of long-term planning for training in a variety of physical activities or sports

  • Participate in designing a training year for individuals and/or groups

How does nutrition affect movement and performance?
  • Identify that physical activity requires energy that comes from food

  • Discuss how we might need to change our diet if we are engaging in regular physical activity

  • Describe factors to consider when planning healthy nutritional intake for physical activity

  • Participate in various physical activities and explain the varying energy requirements which affect performance

  • Compare nutrient requirements for people who engage in physical activities of varying intensity and duration

  • Investigate how technology can be used to monitor nutritional intake and motivate people for specific nutritional goals

  • Design a basic nutritional plan which outlines energy intake required before, during and after physical activity

  • Explore how sleep, nutrition and hydration reduce fatigue and prevent injury

  • Explore advantages and disadvantages of using supplements for improved performance

What training is needed for long-term performance? Injury prevention and management
  • Explore common injuries that occur in a variety of physical activities or sports

  • Apply at least one step of the TOTAPS injury-assessment procedure to determine the nature and extent of injuries in simulated scenarios

  • Examine the impact of physical activity or sporting injuries on athletes

  • Identify immediate treatment for a particular physical activity or sporting injury

  • Describe long-term treatment for a particular physical activity or sporting injury

  • Explore recovery strategies for injury prevention and improving performance

  • Investigate how biomechanics can be used for improved performance

  • Explore natural methods for reducing fatigue and preventing injury

  • Investigate the impact of drug use on injury management and improving performance

  • Explore the benefits and limitations of drug testing for both performance-enhancing drugs and recreational drugs

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