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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Mathematics Advanced 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 12

Sequences and series
Sequences and series
  • Define a sequence as an ordered list of objects

  • Use the notation an, where n is a positive integer, to represent the nth term of a sequence
  • Distinguish between a finite sequence a1, a2,, am that terminates at its mth term, for some whole number m1, and an infinite sequence a1, a2, that never terminates
  • Define the nth partial sum Sn of a sequence a1, a2, to be the sum of the first terms of the sequence: Sn=a1+a2++an, for all whole numbers n1
  • Define a series formally as the sum of the terms of an infinite sequence and use the notation a1+a2+a3+ for the series corresponding to the sequence a 1 , a 2 , a 3

  • Use summation notation to represent the sum of terms ai to aj of a sequence where j>i, k=ijak=ai+ai+1 +ai+2++aj-1+aj
Arithmetic sequences and series
  • Define a sequence an to be an arithmetic sequence, or arithmetic progression (AP), if every difference an-an-1 of successive terms is the same where n2, that is  an-an-1=d for some constant d called the common difference
  • Develop the formula an=a+(n-1)d for the nth term of an AP, where a is the first term and n1, and use it to solve problems
  • Recognise that an is a linear function of n in an AP
  • Develop the formula Sn=n2a+an for the nth partial sum of an AP, and use the formula to solve problems
  • Develop the formula Sn=n22a+n-1d for the nth partial sum of an AP, and use the formula to solve problems
  • Apply the formulas for arithmetic sequences and their partial sums to model and solve growth and decay problems involving a quantity that is a linear function of time

Geometric sequences and series
  • Define a sequence an to be a geometric sequence, or geometric progression (GP), if every ratio anan-1 of successive terms is the same where n2, that is an=ran-1 for some non-zero real number r called the common ratio
  • Develop the formula an=arn-1 for the nth term of a GP, where a is the first term and n1, and use it to solve problems
  • Recognise that an is an exponential function of n in a GP
  • Prove by expansion x-1xn-1+xn-2++x2+x+1=xn-1 for whole numbers n1
  • Develop the formula Sn=a(1-rn)1-r for the sum of the first n terms of a GP where r1, and use this formula to solve problems
  • Examine the behaviour of an and Sn as n for a GP when r<1

  • Develop the formula S = a 1 - r for the limiting sum of a geometric series with r<1, and use this formula to solve problems

  • Apply the formulas for geometric sequences and series to model and solve growth and decay problems where a quantity is an exponential function of time

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