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NSW Education Standards Authority

K–10Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus

Record of changes


Syllabus overview

Course requirements

Implementation of the Classical Languages K10 Syllabus is optional in Kindergarten to Year 6.  

Mandatory study of 100 hours in one language is completed in Years 7–10 but preferably in Years 7–8, over one continuous 12-month period. However, students may commence their study of a language at any point along the K–10 continuum.

Course numbers:

Course name200-hour100-hour200-hour
Life Skills
Life Skills
Classical Greek820821824825
Classical Hebrew826827829828

Languages (Stage 5 Mandatory): 4070

Exclusions: Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.

Organisation of Classical Languages K–10

The diagram (Figure 1) is an overview of the Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus. It shows that:

  • understanding texts is necessary to access classical languages and cultures. Students apply knowledge of language systems to understand texts
  • translation is a core skill in the study of a classical language. By translating texts, the analysis of language reinforces meaning
  • intercultural understanding involves learning about the classical world, making connections and comparisons, and reflecting on language, culture and identity.
Course overview diagram for the Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus.
Figure 1: Overview of the Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus structure

Image long description: The diagram shows 'Understanding the target language and culture through texts' encompassing 2 of the focus areas of Understanding texts and Intercultural understanding. Below the first focus area is 'Understanding and responding', 'Applying knowledge of language systems' and 'Translating'. Below the second focus area is 'Understanding the world of the target language' and 'Reflecting on language, culture and identity'.

Access content points

Access content points have been developed to support students with significant intellectual disability who are working towards Early Stage 1 outcomes. These students may communicate using verbal and/or nonverbal forms.

For each of the Early Stage 1 outcomes, access content points are provided to indicate content that students with significant intellectual disability may access as they work towards the outcomes. Teachers will use the access content points on their own, or in combination with the content for each outcome. 

Decisions regarding curriculum options for students with disability should be made in the context of collaborative curriculum planning.

Life Skills outcomes and content

Students with disability can access the syllabus outcomes and content in a range of ways. Decisions regarding curriculum options should be made in the context of collaborative curriculum planning.

Some students with intellectual disability may find the Years 7–10 Life Skills outcomes and content the most appropriate option to follow in Stage 4 and/or Stage 5. Before determining whether a student is eligible to undertake a course based on Life Skills outcomes and content, consideration should be given to other ways of assisting the student to engage with the Stage 4 and/or Stage 5 outcomes, or prior stage outcomes if appropriate. This assistance may include a range of adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment activities.

Life Skills outcomes cannot be taught in combination with other outcomes from the same subject. Teachers select specific Life Skills outcomes to teach based on the needs, strengths, goals, interests and prior learning of each student. Students are required to demonstrate achievement of one or more Life Skills outcomes.

Balance of content

The amount of content associated with a given outcome is not necessarily indicative of the amount of time spent engaging with the respective outcome. Teachers use formative and summative assessment to determine instructional priorities and the time needed for students to demonstrate expected outcomes.

The content groups are not intended to be hierarchical. They describe in more detail how the outcomes are to be interpreted and demonstrated, and the intended learning appropriate for the stage. In considering the intended learning, teachers make decisions about the sequence and emphasis to be given to particular groups of content based on the needs and abilities of their students.

Syllabus framework

The Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus is a framework that can be used to teach a classical language in New South Wales. A classical language is any language with an independent literary tradition and a large and ancient body of written literature. Classical Languages are no longer spoken as a first language.