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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–6Human Society and its Environment K–6 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 3

Geographical information is used to plan for sustainable futures
Aboriginal Cultural Knowledges and Practices that care for Country
  • Explain the importance of undertaking Cultural obligations to Country as part of the continuation of Aboriginal Cultures

  • Examine Aboriginal Cultural works as evidence of Oral Traditions and mapping of landscapes

  • Explain how Aboriginal Peoples’ Cultural Knowledges of fire are used to organise, manage and interact with Country

  • Describe how local Knowledges of Country influence Aboriginal Peoples’ management of environments and World Heritage areas

People organise and manage places using geographical information
  • Locate and represent cities, towns and communities in relation to other places in Australia, using road maps

  • Explain how urban, rural and remote places in Australia are connected, using satellite images and freight maps

  • Describe ways in which cities and towns in Australia are organised, using oblique and vertical aerial images

  • Observe, measure, collect and record geographical information to explain how places are organised

  • Research and explain how people and agencies manage places where environmental events occur

  • Propose strategies to manage a local place where environmental events occur

  • Explain how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities use seasonal calendars to organise and manage Country and Place

People can protect global environments and use sustainable practices for the future
  • Explain the significance of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle in relation to climate

  • Draw conclusions about the relationship between climates and vegetation zones of the world using choropleth maps and climate graphs

  • Research how people rely on the environment for the provision of food and materials

  • Examine places in the world where human activity has changed the environment by comparing maps and satellite images

  • Explain how World Heritage contributes to the identification, protection and preservation of natural and cultural sites of significance for the world, using Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary

  • Compare sustainable practices used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and international Indigenous Peoples

  • Research and present practices people can engage with to sustainably manage or protect global environments into the future

People of Australia are global citizens
  • Describe and represent Australia's population using column graphs and infographics

  • Explain reasons people have migrated to Australia

  • Describe how diverse cultures contribute to Australian society

  • Explain the ways Australia is connected to the world

  • Identify the International Date Line and describe how global time zones affect communication across the globe

  • Describe a significant global contribution made by an Australian individual or group in the humanities, sciences, sport or wellbeing fields

  • Research the shared experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and international Indigenous peoples

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