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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

K–6Human Society and its Environment K–6 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 2

History uses sources to construct narratives of the past
Aboriginal Peoples have the oldest living continuous Cultures in the world
  • Examine how Aboriginal Peoples have engaged in Cultural exchange and trade across NSW

  • Investigate the interactions of individual Aboriginal People with traders and navigators from outside Australia

  • Examine NSW sites of archaeological evidence of the oldest living continuous Cultures in the world

  • Explain how the arrival of the First Fleet affected Gadigal Peoples

Sources provide evidence of how people lived in the past: Mesoamerica and the Andes
  • Locate places identified as ancient Maya, Aztec and Inca civilisations using maps, globes and images

  • Identify and describe objects, designs, sites and structures from Mesoamerica and the Andes that endure today

  • Examine cultural works and inventions in art, astronomical observations, mathematics or writing of ancient Maya, Aztec and Inca civilisations, using sources as evidence

  • Identify indigenous agricultural practices, animals, plants, staple foods and trading systems

People have used navigation to connect with other places and people
  • Compare journeys and reasons for significant voyages of global navigation

  • Describe how Willem Janszoon, Dirk Hartog, Abel Tasman, Macassan traders and Lieutenant James Cook connected the Great Southern Land or Terra Australis to the world using maps and images as sources of evidence

  • Represent the journey of Bungaree and Matthew Flinders to circumnavigate Australia using maps and images as sources of evidence

  • Explain how the development of navigational instruments influenced global navigation using Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary

Sources provide evidence of how people lived in the first penal settlement at Sydney Cove
  • Identify reasons for the establishment of a British penal colony at New South Wales

  • Describe the role that transportation of convicts played in the establishment of a colony at New South Wales

  • Describe the experiences of men, women and children on the First Fleet voyage using sources as evidence

  • Research and draw conclusions about resources transported with the First Fleet, using sources as evidence

  • Represent life in the penal settlement at Sydney Cove using images, maps, personal accounts and sites

  • Research and recount the life of an Aboriginal person, a convict, a marine and a settler who lived in the penal settlement at Sydney Cove

  • Explain how stories, images, objects and sites are used as sources of evidence for the first penal settlement in New South Wales

Connecting ideas in written texts supports understanding of the past
  • Sequence ideas about the past and include elaborated details, consistent tense and connectives to create cohesion

  • Use a range of connectives to create compound and complex sentences to signal the cause and effect of a past event and compare and elaborate on ideas

  • Use information from sources to create compound and complex sentences describing life in the past

  • Refer to evidence when describing who, what, when, where and explaining why

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