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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10History 7–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 5

Depth study (core): Human rights and freedoms (c. 1938 – c. 2017)

Content in Working with historical concepts and skills outlines how historical concepts and skills are to be integrated with all other content in this focus area as part of process of historical inquiry.

Working with historical concepts and skills
  • Evaluate and use relevant historical concepts and skills

  • Engage in historical inquiry, integrating information from a range of sources as evidence where appropriate

  • Create written texts to analyse historical concepts related to human rights and freedoms

Background and origins of human rights and freedoms
  • The struggle for rights and freedoms of Aboriginal Peoples before 1965

  • The US Civil Rights movement and its influence on Australia

Significant groups, individuals, ideas, beliefs, practices and events in human rights and freedoms
  • The role of government policies on the Stolen Generations and the significance of the Bringing Them Home Report (1997)

  • The role and experiences of Student Action for Aborigines (SAFA) and the significance of the 1965 Freedom Ride

  • The significance and impact of the 1967 Referendum for Aboriginal Peoples

  • The significance of the Land Rights movement and the impact of subsequent Land Rights legislation and the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 on Aboriginal sovereignty

  • The struggle for rights and freedoms for ONE other group in Australia or globally

Impact and legacies of human rights and freedoms

At least ONE of the following impacts and legacies:

  • Impacts of inequality on the lives of Aboriginal Peoples

  • The importance of the reclaiming of Languages, Cultures and identities by Aboriginal Peoples

  • The purpose and influence of human rights conventions

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