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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10History 7–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 5

Depth study (core) – Australia: making a nation – from Federation to WWI (1889 – c. 1919)

Content in Working with historical concepts and skills outlines how historical concepts and skills are to be integrated with all other content in this focus area as part of process of historical inquiry.

Working with historical concepts and skills
  • Evaluate and use relevant historical concepts and skills

  • Engage in historical inquiry, integrating information from a range of sources as evidence where appropriate

  • Create written texts to analyse historical concepts related to Federation and the First World War (WWI)

Background and origins of Australia: making a nation – from Federation to WWI
  • Factors that contributed to the development of democracy in Australia

  • Differing perspectives and key developments leading to Federation in Australia

  • Reasons for Australia’s involvement in WWI

  • Passing of the War Precautions Act 1914

Significant groups, individuals, ideas, beliefs, practices and events in Australia: making a nation – from Federation to WWI
  • The features of the Australian Constitution, including federalism, the division of powers and separation of powers

  • Protection of workers’ rights including the role of trade unions and the function of the Immigration Restriction Act 1901

  • Role of the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902 in the advancement of women’s rights

  • The Australian response to WWI, including the Gallipoli Campaign, as a catalyst for the development of a national identity

  • Battles in which Australians fought in WWI

  • Australia’s civic action and humanitarian response during WWI

  • Federal election campaigns and voting rights during WWI as a demonstration of the democratic process

  • Debates on conscription and the war effort through the process of referendums and plebiscites as democracy in action

Impact and legacies of Australia: making a nation – from Federation to WWI
  • The impact of Federation and WWI on different groups in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, migrants and women

  • Continuity and change of NSW governance structure

  • Nature, commemoration and perspectives of the Anzac legend

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