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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Geography Life Skills 11–12 Syllabus

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Life Skills

Life Skills for Stage 6

Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.

Rural and urban places

As part of this focus area, teachers may choose for students to undertake ONE of the following investigations:

  • Investigation: Local rural or urban place
  • Investigation: Large city.

The investigation can be conducted individually, collaboratively or as a class. Students may complete a whole investigation, part of an investigation or selected aspects of the investigation.

Teachers may select an appropriate local rural or urban place, or large city for investigation.

Types of places
  • Explore elements of demographics

  • Identify characteristics of rural and urban places at a range of scales

  • Identify different types of places at a range of scales

  • Compare spatial characteristics of different types of places based on a variety of geographic measures

  • Collect evidence of the human environmental footprint in rural and urban places at a range of scales

  • Collect evidence of different human wellbeing indicators in rural and urban places at a range of scales

  • Draw conclusions about a rural and urban place based on spatial characteristics or human wellbeing indicators

Urbanisation and demographic change
  • Identify features of demography and demographic change

  • Identify reasons for urbanisation

  • Locate megacities on a map

  • Outline the multiple functions of a megacity

  • Identify reasons for rural decline

  • Explore ways in which rural and urban places are interdependent

Investigation: Local rural or urban place
  • Examine a place at a local scale

  • Investigate human and natural geographic processes that have shaped the place

  • Represent data related to human and physical geographical processes

  • Identify links to surrounding areas

  • Explore a sustainability challenge for the place

  • Suggest solutions to enhance the sustainability of the place

Investigation: Large city
  • Locate a large city

  • Identify the main characteristics of the large city

  • Represent one or more characteristics

  • Outline processes shaping the large city over time

  • Recognise challenges for sustainability

  • Explore opportunities for sustainability

  • Assess the effectiveness of responses to sustainability challenges

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